Cristina Alonso

Services Manager & Head of the Data Processing Department, OWL, Spain

Cristina completed a PhD in Analytical Chemistry. She joined OWL Metabolomics in 2007 as a Chromatography and Mass Spectrometry Specialist, mainly specialized in processing and interpretation of MS-based metabolomic data. Currently serves as the Services Manager and Head of the Data Processing Department. Her career has been focused on processing and interpretation of mass spectrometry-based metabolomic data, dedicated to the search for non-invasive biomarkers for liver diseases diagnosis and drug effect in NASH clinical trials.


Fun fact: Tireless at work, she rests taking care of the garden despite collapsing with the overproduction of pomegranates in the fall.

  1. Royo F, Palomo L, Mleczko J, Gonzalez E, Alonso C, Martínez I, Pérez-Cormenzana M, Castro A, Falcon-Perez JM. Metabolically active extracellular vesicles released from hepatocytes under drug-induced liver-damaging conditions modify serum metabolome and might affect different pathophysiological processes. European Journal of Pharmaceutical Sciences 2017;98:51-7.
  2. Clos-Garcia M, Loizaga-Iriarte A, Zuñiga-Garcia P, Sánchez-Mosquera P, Cortazara AR, González E, Torrano V, Alonso C, Pérez-Cormenzana M, Ugalde-Olano A, Lacasa-Viscasillas I, Castro A, Royo F, Unda M, Carracedo A, Falcón-Pérez JM. Metabolic alterations in urine extracellular vesicles are associated to prostate cancer pathogenesis and progression. Journal of Extracellular vesicles 2018;7(1):1470442.
  3. Royo F, Gil-Carton D, Gonzalez E, Mleczko J, Palomo L, Perez-Cormenzana M, Mayo R, Alonso C, Falcon-Perez JM. Differences in the metabolite composition and mechanical properties of extracellular vesicles secreted by hepatic cellular models. Journal of Extracellular Vesicles 2019;8(1),1575678.