EVCA Twinning Project

Project Summary

EVCA stands for Extracellular Vesicles in Clinical Applications and is an acronym of the project titled " Centre for Excellence in Diagnostic and Advanced Therapeutics based on Extracellular Vesicles". The overall aim of EVCA is to strengthen NMS to become an internationally-recognized Centre of EVs in clinical applications, research and innovation. By partnering with two internationally-leading institutions, Institut Curie, France, and CIC bioGUNE, Spain, EVCA will leverage the existing multidisciplinary knowledge and experience, research and training best practices, widen collaborative networks, and step up the excellence of the researchers and research management at NOVA Medical School. 

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This project is funded by the European Union, EVCA Twining Project (Horizon GA n° 101079264).

EVCA partner institutions

NOVA Medical School_UNL

NOVA Medical School (NMS) is a modern and innovative Medical School based on three pillars: Education, Research, and Community. NMS Research aims at improving translational science and medicine, in a bench-to-bedside approach. NMS Research is focused on discovering and developing new diagnostic tools and treatments and ensuring that proven strategies for disease treatment and prevention are implemented within the community. 
NMS Research is committed to stimulate science of excellence and new discoveries – vaccines, health literacy tools, biomarkers – and identify opportunities for technology transfer with the promotion of joint ventures between academia and private and public institutions. 
NMS Research's multi-institutional environment enables testing of basic research findings in clinical settings, with proven interventions becoming standard practice, increasing the speed at which new treatments reach patients, and improving health and lives. 


Project Coordinators


Rune Matthiesen



Paulo Pereira







The Centre for Cooperative Research in Biosciences (CIC bioGUNE), member of the Basque Research & Technology Alliance (BRTA), located in the Bizkaia Technology Park, is a biomedical research organisation conducting cutting-edge research at the interface between structural, molecular and cell biology, with a particular focus on generating knowledge on the molecular bases of disease, for use in the development of new diagnostic methods and advanced therapies. 

The institute is committed to apply its scientific leadership in two main areas: (i) Metabolism and Cell Signalling in Disease and (ii) Molecular Recognition and Host-Pathogen Interactions. CIC bioGUNE is specialized in metabolomics and proteomics of extracellular vesicles.


Advanced Lead Partner


Juan Manuel Falcón








Institut Curie

The Institut Curie in Paris, France, named after scientist Marie Curie, pioneers research and treatment in oncology. World-class multidisciplinary Research Center and a cutting-edge Hospital Group that provides . care for all types of cancers. Known for interdisciplinary collaboration, it advances cancer understanding and treatment through innovative, personalized care. The institute educates professionals, engages in global collaborations, and upholds Marie Curie's legacy in cancer research and radioactivity. Multiple Paris campuses underscore its vital role in the global fight against cancer.

Institut Curie teams are internationally recognized as fundamental players in the field of EVs (extracellular vesicles), with seminal contributions published in top rated peer-reviewed journals, the development of ground-breaking techniques, the creation of start-ups aiming to bring cutting-edge EVs-related technologies to an industrial level and educational courses in EVs.


Advanced Lead Partner


Graça Raposo

