PDial Project, by EVCA members, reaches Top 10 in NOVA Impact Challenge
The PDial project team, led by Sofia Azeredo Pereira and comprising Cátia Sousa, Diogo Sequeira, Emily Rohrmoser, Luísa Santos, and Sofia Anão, has successfully reached the Top 10 in the prestigious NOVA Impact Challenge. Out of 39 applications, their innovative project was selected for the second phase, showcasing their commitment and excellence.
The PDial project aims to enhance outcomes in peritoneal dialysis, a renal replacement therapy that offers greater autonomy and quality of life for patients. The team focuses on providing high-quality biological samples from peritoneal dialysis effluent by establishing a biobank at the NOVA Chain Biobank and increasing visibility and investment in peritoneal dialysis through the PDial brand, including the creation of a National Peritoneal Dialysis Day and organizing specialized events.
In their laboratory, the team is isolating extracellular vesicles (EVs) from dialysis effluent to study their role in peritoneal membrane alterations, with the goal of identifying new biomarkers.
Although they did not win the final prize, the dedication and innovation demonstrated by the PDial team are admirable. The EVCA is proud to support this initiative, ensuring the quality of services provided and the continuation of their excellent work.
EVCA at Sinapsis 2024 in Düsseldorf, Germany

We are proud to announce that EVCA member Estefania Torrejón recently participated in the Annual Meeting of Peruvian Scientists in Europe, Sinapsis 2024, held from July 18-20 in Düsseldorf, Germany. During the event, Estefania presented her groundbreaking research titled "Gut Derived Extracellular Vesicles Interacting with Kupffer Cells: An Alternative Route for Lipid Transport and Deposition in the Liver." Her work sheds new light on the intricate mechanisms of lipid transport and offers potential insights into innovative treatments. The Annual Meeting of Peruvian Scientists in Europe serves as a vital platform for networking, collaboration, and the exchange of ideas among Peruvian scientists working across the continent. Congratulations to Estefania on her successful presentation and ongoing contributions to the field of extracellular vesicle research.

EVCA Member Receives Prestigious ERC Funding for Parkinson’s Research
We are thrilled to announce that EVCA member Claudia Nunes dos Santos, alongside her exceptional team, has received significant funding from the European Research Council (ERC) for their innovative Proof of Concept (PoC) project. This groundbreaking research aims to develop a novel compound with the potential to revolutionize the treatment of Parkinson’s disease.
This collaborative effort involves distinguished researchers from NOVA Medical School, including Diogo Carregosa and Silvia Vilares Conde, as well as an outstanding team of innovators, Rita Rocha and Marta Cerejo. The CoLAB TRIALS team, featuring Catarina Madeira and Fábio Lampreia, PhD, also plays a crucial role in this project.
Together, they are committed to making a significant impact on the lives of those affected by Parkinson's disease.
Portuguese Researchers Make Breakthrough in Fighting Parkinson's-Related Neuroinflammation

The team of researchers led by Claudia Santos, an EVCA member, has achieved a significant breakthrough by discovering a new method to combat neuroinflammation associated with Parkinson's disease. Recently, Claudia gave an interview to CNN where she detailed the nature of the discovery and the next steps in their research. She emphasizes that, although there is currently no cure for the disease, this discovery could help slow down the degenerative process associated with it. For more information, see the news here.

Participation of EVCA Members at the Ciência 2024 Event in Porto
Our EVCA members Paulo Pereira, Rita Teodoro, Sandra Tenreiro, and Otilia Vieira, from NOVA Medical School, participated in the Ciência 2024 event held from July 3-5 in Porto, presenting their innovative work with extracellular vesicles!
Not only did they had insightful presentations, but also engaged in dynamic discussions, including a panel on Precision Medicine. Our coordinator, Paulo Pereira, contributed significantly to this panel, which explored the latest advancements, challenges, and future directions in this transformative approach to healthcare.
Rune Matthiesen presents his research at 9th International Caparica Congress on Analytical Proteomics
Rune Matthiesen, recently presented his research at the 9th International Caparica Congress on Analytical Proteomics (ICAP 2024). This prestigious event brought together leading experts in the field to discuss the latest advancements and innovations in proteomics.
Rune shared his latest study on classifying prostate cancer poor prognosis patterns, specifically focusing on cribriform and intraductal carcinoma. His research utilizes urinary extracellular vesicle proteomics, offering promising insights into early diagnosis and treatment strategies.
In addition to his research presentation, Rune also introduced our EU twinning project, the Centre for Excellence in Diagnostic and Advanced Therapeutics based on Extracellular Vesicles (EVCA).
EVCA Members attended the EACR 2024 Congress: Innovative Cancer Science
Three of our dedicated EVCA members, Sara Zahedi, Mostafa Ejtehadifar, and Francisco Esteves, from NOVA Medical School - Faculdade de Ciências Médicas, attended the EACR 2024 Congress: Innovative Cancer Science, held from June 10-13 and organized by the European Association for Cancer Research (EACR).
During the congress, our members had the honor of presenting their latest research through posters, contributing to the exchange of knowledge and innovative ideas.
NMS Researchers Honored at Bluepharma Innovation Award Ceremony

Two innovative projects led by EVCA researchers received Honorable Mentions at the Bluepharma Innovation Award 2023, held on June 11th at the University of Coimbra. The project “Novel Approaches to Skin Pigmentation Modulation” by Miguel Seabra and Duarte Barral, introduces a novel strategy for modulating skin pigmentation by targeting melanin secretion, promising significant advancements in skincare and dermatology. The second project, “Exploring the Antibacterial Properties of a Surfactant Based Hydrogel” led by Otília Vieira and João Conde, presents a hydrogel highly effective against Neisseria gonorrhoeae, the bacteria causing Gonorrhea, offering potential as a new antimicrobial topical treatment. These recognitions highlight the exceptional scientific contributions and technological potential of NMS research. Congratulations!

EVCA Member Estefania Torrejón won an EMBO scientific exchange grant

Estefania has won an EMBO scientific exchange grant to develop a three-month project at the Marseille Medical Genetics (MMG) - Aix Marseille Université in Marseille, France focusing on  the study of extracellular vesicles-mediated long-distance cell-to-cell communication. As of this month, June, she has already started activities in her host lab,  the Systems Biomedicine team led by Dr. Anaïs Baudot.

Her project aims to investigate the role of gut-derived extracellular vesicles in modulating gut-liver communication in prediabetes using a systems biology approach. She will construct a multimodal interaction network that integrate in-house proteomic and lipidomic data from the gut-derived EVs with transcriptomic data from their recipient liver cells.

EMBO Scientific Exchange Grants fund research exchanges of up to three months between laboratories in EMBC Member States, Associated Member States or Cooperation Partners. The grant facilitate collaborations with research groups with expertise, techniques, or infrastructure that is unavailable in the applicant’s laboratory. 

EVCA co-organized SINAL 2024, in Coimbra
The SINAL 2024 event, held in Coimbra on May 24-25 and organized by FMUC - Faculdade de Medicina da UC, in collaboration with EVCA, was a resounding success.
On May 25th, the spotlight was on Extracellular Vesicles (EVs), featuring an insightful and engaging session that captivated attendees.
We are proud to report that several EVCA members played pivotal roles throughout the event. Henrique Girão, a distinguished member of the EVCA Advisory Board, joined our EVCA Coordinators. Rune Matthiesen chaired the EVs session, and Paulo Pereira delivered an impactful keynote lecture.
Additionally, Cristina Escrevente presented an outstanding short talk, while Rita Teodoro, Cristina Demelas, and Duarte Barral from NOVA Medical School - Faculdade de Ciências Médicas, were also actively involved.
EVCA members participated at ISEV in Melbourne, Australia

From 8th to 12th of May, Juan Manuel Falcon Perez, Marc Liébana Jordán and Silvia López, from CIC bioGUNE, and Graça Raposo from Institut Curie, shared their work on extracellular vesicles at the 13th Annual Meeting of the International Extracellular Vesicle Society, that took place in Melbourne, Australia.

The ISEV Annual Meeting is an event for EV Researchers from around the world, and this year's theme, “Discover, Innovate and Understand”, promised to promote innovative discussions and collaborations in the field. Covering a spectrum of topics from fundamental research to clinical applications, this meeting was the epicenter of innovation in extracellular vesicles science.

EVCA at SciComPT 2024

Between the 8th and 10th of May, the SciComPT 2024 meeting took place in Braga, where science communication played a central role. Judite Costa, Liliana Alves and Inês Gomes were present at this meeting, representing the EVCA project, where dissimination is part of their mission.
It was an enlightening event that covered a range of topics with a main focus on the importance of bridging the gap between science and the general public and exploring the most effective communication channels – from social media to podcasts and outreach activities. This meeting not only presented valuable information on pioneering communication strategies, but also facilitated networking opportunities.

New paper: 3D Spheroid Model for Hepatocellular Carcinoma Chemotherapy

In May 2024, the paper titled "Three-Dimensional Hepatocyte Spheroids: Model for Assessing Chemotherapy in Hepatocellular Carcinoma" was published in Biomedicines. This study introduces a novel 3D cellular model using hepatocyte spheroids to better represent in vivo conditions for evaluating chemotherapy effects, and provides a robust model for assessing chemotherapy efficacy and specificity in hepatocellular carcinoma, offering insights into drug responses in a 3D cellular environment. Feliz Royo and Juan Manuel Falcon-Perez, our EVCA members from CIC BIOgune, did a great job in this amazing work.

EVCA attended RECOMB 2024, in Boston
Estefania Torrejón, a EVCA Member, had the pleasure of attending the RECOMB 2024 conference at MIT in Boston from April 29th to May 2nd. She did a poster presentation of her work, "Gut-derived Extracellular Vesicles Reaching Kupffer Cells: An Alternative Route for Lipid Transport Out of the Gut" to a diverse audience at both the main event and the satellite conference RECOMB-Seq. RECOMB 2024 is the 28th edition of a series of algorithmic computational biology conferences bridging the areas of computational, mathematical, statistical and biological sciences.
New Insights into Skin Pigmentation: A new paper by EVCA Members

In April 2024, a groundbreaking paper titled "Extracellular vesicles released by keratinocytes regulate melanosome maturation, melanocyte dendricity, and pigment transfer" was published in the Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences (PNAS). The research underscores the importance of keratinocyte-derived EVs as major contributors to cutaneous pigmentation, offering new insights into the paracrine communication mechanisms underlying skin pigmentation. Gisela D'Angelo and Graça Raposo, EVCA Members from the Institut Curie, contributed for this amazing work that could pave the way for novel approaches in dermatological research and therapies.

EVCA did an amazing job at the Portuguese Diabetes Congress
From March 7th to 9th, the Portuguese Diabetes Congress 2024 convened in Algarve, attracting leading experts and researchers in the field. Among the distinguished attendees were Rita Oliveira, Pedro Ribeiro, Akiko Teshima, and Estefania Torrejón, EVCA Members, that presented their projects.
This significant event served as a pivotal platform for discussing the latest advancements and challenges in diabetes research and treatment. Participants engaged in insightful discussions, sharing their expertise and contributing to the ongoing efforts to combat diabetes.
New Article about EVs published in Nutrients by EVCA Members

It was published in March 2024  "Proteomic Profiling of Plasma- and Gut-Derived Extracellular Vesicles in Obesity" by Pedro Pereira in Nutrients. In this study they have identified alterations to the protein cargo of plasma-derived and gut-derived EVs under obesity, shedding light on the role of these communication agents in its development and highlighting potential biomarkers/pathways for future research. Pedro Pereira is a member of Dra. Rita Machado de Oliveira and Dra. Paula Macedo and in this article there is also the participation of other EVCA members like Dr. Rune Matthiesen, Dra. Ana Carvalho, Estefania Torrejón and Akiko Teshima.

Felix Elortza elected as President of the Spanish Proteomics Society

In the IX Congress of Spanish Proteomics Society and 4th Joint Meeting of Spanish, Portuguese and French Proteomics Societies, Felix Elortza has been elected by colleagues and friends as President of the Spanish Proteomics Society. This congress celebrated its 20th anniversary this year and took place in Córdoba between 6th and 9th  of February.



Happy Holidays and a Happy New Year

EVCA Team Wishes Happy Holidays and a Happy New Year

Luís Ferraz just defended his master thesis entitled " Exoxomes in Transcellular proteostasis and Age-Related Macular Degeneration"

On the 21st December, Luís Ferraz, a master student from Dr. Paula Macedo and Dr. João Ferreira team defended his master thesis at NOVA Medical School. His jury was composed by EVCA member Dr. Rita Teodoro and Dr. Henrique Girão from Coimbra University.

Pedro Pereira just defended his master's thesis entitled "Extracellular Vesicles: Communication agents in prediabetes".

Pedro Pereira, a master's student from Dr. Paula Macedo and Dr. Rita Oliveira's team defended his master's thesis on 18th December at NOVA Medical School.

The Role of CERS2 in Bladder Cancer: A Comprehensive Review by EVCA Members
In October 2023, the paper titled "The Role of Longevity Assurance Homolog 2/Ceramide Synthase 2 in Bladder Cancer" was published, in the International Journal of Molecular Sciences. This comprehensive review delves into the human CERS2 gene that has been recognized both for its tumor-suppressing capabilities in cancers like prostate and liver cancer, and for its role in promoting tumor growth in adenocarcinoma. Juan M. Falcon-Perez and Felix Royo, notable members of the EVCA, have significantly contributed to this insightful review, paving the way for future research on CERS2's role in bladder cancer.
Dr. Paulo Pereira is a Guest Editor in EVCNA special issue "Extracellular Vesicles at the Crosstalk of Cell Quality Control, Intercellular Communication and Clinical Applications"

EVCNA has opened a call for the special issue "Extracellular Vesicles at the Crosstalk of Cell Quality Control, Intercellular Communication and Clinical Applications". This special issue has as Guest Editor, Dr. Paulo Pereira from NOVA Medical School, Dr. Henrique Girão from ICBR - Coimbra Institute for Clinical and Biomedical Research and Dra. Susana G. Santos from Instituto de investigação e inovação em Saúde. The call is open until the 31st of Mars 2024.

André Marques Awarded with Individual Scientific Employment Stimulus 2023

In the 6th Edition of the Individual Call to Scientific Employment Stimulus (CEEC) of Fundação para a Ciência e Tecnologia (FCT), André Marques was awarded in the assistant researcher category.

André Marques belongs to the Lysosomes and Disease Research Group in NOVA Medical School. This call is aimed at at PhD holders with a career in any scientific area who wish to develop their scientific research or technological development activity in Portugal and highlights the quality and impact of the work carried out by researchers.

Dr. Paula Macedo and Dr. Rita Machado Oliveira are Guest Editors in EVCNA special issue "Extracellular Vesicles in Metabolic Health and Disease: Mechanisms, Diagnostics, and Therapeutic Strategies"

EVCNA has opened a call for the special issue "Extracellular Vesicles in Metabolic Health and Disease: Mechanisms, Diagnostics, and Therapeutic Strategies". This special issue has as Guest Editor, Dr. Paula Macedo, and Guest Assistant Editor, Dr. Rita Machado Oliveira, both from NOVA Medical School.

Extracellular Vesicles and Circulating Nucleic Acids (EVCNA) is a new journal launched in 2020 with the purpose of reuniting new research data, reviews, and new protocols regarding Extracellular Vesicles and circulating nuclear acids.

The call is open until the 30th of April 2024.

Dr. Clotilde Théry awarded with The Dandrimont-Bénicourt Price from the Fondation de l'Institut de France
During the 2nd Académie Des Sciences cerimony 2023, the Dandrimont-Bénicourt Price from the Fondation de l'Institut de France was awarded to Dr. Clotilde Théry. Dr. Clotilde is the PI of the Extracellular Vesicles, immune responses and cancer group in the Immunity and Cancer unit and the scientific director of the CurieCoreTech platform - Extracellular vesicles at the Institut Curie.
 The cerimony was hold under the dome of the Palais de l'Institut de France on 21st November 2023 and assembles the most eminent french and foreign Scientists.
Mireia Gomez Duro won Best Short Talk in FSEV meeting 23

In the 2023 French Society for Extracellular Vesicles (FSEV) Annual Meeting, Mireia Gomez Duro was awarded with Best Short Talk. Mireia works with Dr. Graça Raposo and Dr. Gisela D'Angelo in the Institut curie and her talk was entitled “Unravelling the role of CD133 in breast cancer-Extracellular Vesicles in invasion and metastasis".

The 23 FSEV was organized by young researchers and hold online on November 14th 2023. 


Professor and researcher Dr. José Belo distinguished with Career Award by SPCE-TC

José Belo, EVCA Team Member, received the Career Award from the Portuguese Society for Stem Cells and Cell Therapy (SPCE-TC) during the 13th Annual Meeting of the "ETRS & SPCE-TC Joint Meeting" held at the University of Coimbra on October 11-13 of this year.

EVCA Team members Akiko Teshima and Luana Macedo secure FCT Doctoral Research Scholarships

Akiko Teshima and Luana Macedo from the NOVA Medical School were recently awarded funding from the Foundation for Science and Technology (FCT) to pursue their PhD Projects. Both projects are related to extracellular vesicles.

Akiko is going to work on "Bariatric Surgery Alters Extracellular Vesicles Composition: A Multi-Omics Perspective" under the supervision of Rita Oliveira and José Silva Nunes (Hospital Curry Cabral).

Luana Macedo is going to work on "
The role of extracellular vesicles in the progression of diabetic retinopathy through the gut-liver-retina axis" under the supervision of Rita Oliveira e co-orientação de Sandra Tenreiro e Federico Herrera (FCUL).

Both are from the Metabolic Diseases Research Group (MEDIR) group.


International collaboration teams up for innovative omics technologies integration workshop

Researchers from CIC bioGUNE in collaboration with researchers from NOVA Medical School (Lisbon) and the Curie Institute (Paris), concluded a three-day practical workshop.

The event, held on September 13th to 15th, focused on the application of omics technologies and provided a unique opportunity for participants to gain hands-on experience with state-of-the-art webtools designed for interpreting data generated by omics technologies.

National and international experts in extracellular vesicles gathered at NMS.

Between June 22 and 23, NOVA Medical School hosted 140 national and international researchers at the 2nd PNEV meeting - National Network of Extracellular Vesicles - to discuss their work in this scientific field.

EVCA Team members Gisela D'Angelo and João Ferreira won Best Selected and Flash Talk at PNEV 2023

In the 2nd meeting of the PORTUGUESE NETWORK ON EXTRACELLULAR VESICLES (PNEV), Gisela D'Angelo from the Institut Curie, partner of EVCA, was awarded Best Selected Talk from Session I with her talk “Role of CD133-extracellular vesicles in breast cancer aggressiveness". João Ferreira from NOVA Medical School was awarded with Best Flash Talk entitled "LAMP2A regulates the loading of proteins into exosomes”.

The 2nd meeting of the PNEV  occurred between 22nd and 23rd June 2023 at NOVA Medical School, Lisbon.

EVCA Team member Juan Manuel Falcón awarded with the second ISEV2023 Special Achievement Award

During the The International Society for Extracellular Vesicles (ISEV) 2023 Annual Meeting, hosted in Seattle, Washington, from 17th-21st of May, researcher Juan Manuel Falcón has been recognized by his work about standardization and metabolomic profiling of extracellular vesicles (EVs).

NMS researchers receive 1.5 million euros to study extracellular vesicles

Rune Matthiesen e Paulo Pereira coordenam o projecto europeu "EVCA: Diagnostic and Advanced Therapeutics based on Extracellular Vesicles" distinguido com um financiamento de cerca de um milhão e meio de euros no Concurso Europeu Twinning 2020.