"PhD?! What's next?"- Career Seminar in Clinical Research

12nd July

On July 12nd, we had the third session of our "PhD?! What's next?" Career Seminars, focusing on clinical research. This time, we were joined by Catarina Fonseca, Clinical Research Associate at IQVIA, dedicated to Roche Pharmaceuticals, and Sara Oliveira, Clinical Research Manager at MSD through IQVIA.

EVCA Summer School 2024

11st and 12nd July

EVCA hosted its Summer School 2024 at NOVA Medical School focusing on hands-on learning and breakthroughs in Extracellular Vesicle research.
Participants immersed themselves in practical sessions, mastering EV isolation techniques such as precipitation agents and ultracentrifugation. They also explored EV characterization methods including fluorescence labeling and Nanoparticle Tracking Analysis (NTA), fostering insightful discussions and collaborative research.
Renowned experts like Rune Matthiesen, Ana Sofia Carvalho, Ana Maria Aransay, Juan Manuel Falcon Perez, Tomás Dias, Dimitri Aubert, and Liliana Alves guided participants through enriching lab experiences.
The event, held on July 11-12, underscored EVCA's commitment to advancing knowledge in EV science, showcasing the dedication and enthusiasm of all involved.

Science Fair at NOVA Medical School

11th July

On July 11th, NOVA Medical School hosted an incredible Science Fair as part of the "Summer Medical School: Lifestyle" and the "Inspiring Career Camp." These initiatives offered children and young people a chance to explore and engage with healthcare research. We showcased our research and interacted with enthusiastic young attendees. EVCA actively participated, with our science communicator volunteer, Inês Gomes, captivating the audience with insights into the world of Extracellular Vesicles. We loved inspiring young minds and sparking an interest in EVs with our interactive game. The children were thrilled with the prizes they won from our spinning wheel.

EVCA "Workshop With Industry" and Think Tank 6

9th and 10th July

EVCA organized a highly successful "Workshop with Industry" at NOVA Medical School, held on July 9th and 10th, aimed at enhancing collaboration and knowledge exchange between academia and industry leaders.
During the workshop, participants immersed themselves in sessions focused on mastering essential techniques for fostering partnerships between industry and academia. They refined their skills in strategic project ideation, patent searches, technology transfer, and navigating regulatory pathways from pre-clinical studies to clinical trials.
The event featured distinguished speakers including Rune Matthiesen (NMS), Marta Cerejo (TTO at NMS), Alexandra Mendes (INPI), Jérémie Weber (TTO at Institut Curie), Fábio Lampreia and Catarina Madeira (CoLAB TRIALS at NMS). Having speakers from different companies such as Dimitri Aubert (CEO of Vesiculab), Tomás Dias (CTO of Mursla Bio), João Seixas (CEO of TargTex), Natasa Zarovni (CTO of EVE Biofactory and CSO of RoseBio), and Cristina Alonso (Services Manager of OWL Metabolomics), gave new insights into this workshop and fostered collaborations.
Their presentations underscored crucial intersections between academia and industry collaboration, showcasing EVCA's dedication to advancing knowledge and fostering innovation at the interface of these sectors.

"PhD?! What's next?"- Career Seminar in Science Communication

21st June

On June 21st, we had the second session of "PhD?! What's next?" - Career Seminars, an initiative organized by EVCA and the NMS PhD Committee. 
The second session, focusing on Science Communication, featured two distinguished speakers: Helena Pinheiro, a science communicator specialized in visual communication at Institute of Molecular Medicine (iMM), and Catarina Ramos, the Coordinator of the Communication, Events, and Outreach (CEO) Unit at the Champalimaud Foundation (CF).

EVCA Expert seminar with Maria Helena Vasconcelos

5th June

For the 4th expert Seminar, EVCA invited Dra. M. Helena Vasconcelos. Helena is Associate Professor at the Faculty of Pharmacy of the University of Porto (FFUP) and Leader of the “Cancer Drug Resistance” research group at Instituto de Investigação e Inovação em Saúde, Universidade do Porto (i3S). Her research group conducts translational research focused on the identification and validation of biomarkers and therapeutic targets to overcome drug resistance in cancer and improve precision medicine. Helena’s group is interested in studying Extracellular Vesicles as a source of cancer biomarkers in liquid biopsies and their role in the intercellular communication between tumour cells and between those cells and the tumour microenvironment.

SINAL 2024

24th and 25th May

EVCA co-organized the 11th edition of SINAL - SINAL 2024 which took place in Coimbra (Portugal) on the 24th and 25th of May. SINAL intended to foster interdisciplinary dialogue and collaboration between researchers focused on addressing issues related to cell biology and its profound implications for understanding and combating numerous human diseases. This event had a session dedicated to Extracellular Vesicles on May 25th, with the participation of coordinators Rune Matthiesen and Paulo Pereira with the aim of promoting the EVCA project and NMS as a reference institution in the area of​​ EVs research.

EVCA Expert seminar with Cláudio Pinheiro

24th May

Dr. Cláudio Pinheiro was the invited speaker of this session. Cláudio is a former MSc student of ToxOmics, NMS and subsequently obtained his PhD degree at the Ghent University, Belgium. In his PhD worked in the group of Professor An Hendrix, an expert in the field of Extracelular Vesicles. He is currently occupying a post-doc position in the same group where they have designed the extracellular vesicle quality control (EVQC) study with the aim to systematically compare the performance of 14 frequently implemented separation methods. These methods are implemented to separate EV from blood, urine and cell culture supernatant spiked or not with recombinant EV (rEV). EV preparations are compared in terms of repeatability, sensitivity, accuracy, specificity and efficiency at protein, nucleic acid and structural level. The final goal is the development of a guiding tool for the informed selection of a separation method for particular study goals.

"PhD?! What's next?"- Career Seminar in Clinical Trials

17th May

On May 17th we had the kickoff of "PhD?! What's next?"- Career Seminars, an initiative organized EVCA and NMS PhD Committee and supported by several partners, including EVCA, EU, iN4H, LS4FUTURE, NIMSB, FCT and the NMS PhD Committee. The goal of these Career Seminars is to raise awareness about the indispensable and transferable nature of scientific skills across various professions within academia and beyond. We hope these seminars can inspire and empower PhD holders in making informed decisions about their professional paths and pursue careers that align with their interests, skills and aspirations. The first session, about Clinical Trials, brought us two distinguished speakers: Lidia Barata, Clinical Team Manager at PPD by Thermofisher, and Lúcia Domingues, Coordinator of NOVA Clinical Research Unit (NOVA CRU), and it was a success.

Arroios Health Fair 2024

18th April

EVCA participated in the Arroios Health Fair 2024. The Health Fair is aimed at the entire population and has several events spread across the parish of Arroios. On the 18th, it took place at NOVA Medical School with games, quizzes and visits to the laboratories. Participants, in addition to participating in the EVCA stand, playing our games, and winning EVCA gifts, also visited the laboratory where NanoSight is located, the equipment that allows the characterization of Extracellular Vesicles.

EVCA Expert seminar with Catarina Roma-Rodrigues

10th April

EVCA organized an Expert Seminar with Dra. Catarina Roma-Rodrigues. She talked about "Gold nanoparticles to tackle cancer derived exosomes". Dra. Catarina Roma-Rodrigues is a Postdoc fellow at Unidade de Ciências Biomoleculares aplicadas in Nova School of Sciences and Technology. She completed her Ph.D. in Biotechnology at the Universidade de Lisboa Instituto Superior Técnico, her MSc in Biotechnology (Biochemical Engineering) at the same university and her BSc in Biochemistry at the Universidade de Lisboa Faculdade de Ciências. Her work is mainly focused on the role of exosomes in the modulation of the tumor microenvironment and in the biological effect of compounds with chemotherapeutic potential on tumor cells.

EVCA Staff Exchange, Paris 2024

25th and 26th March

Several NMS and CIC bioGUNE R&I management EVCA members made a short-term visit (2 days) to our advanced partner Institut Curie. It was a great opportunity to exchange know-how in several different areas like Research Management, Innovation, Infrastructure Management and others. This visit aimed to identify the best practices and procedures to transfer to the respective institution.

EVCA Winter Retreat 2024

28th and 29th February

EVCA Winter Retreat 2024 took place at Hotel do Mar, Sesimbra. In this event, it was presented the progress made by the members and EVCA team since the kickoff meeting. This event counted with the participation of Advisory Board members Tomás Dias from Mursla, Guillaume van Niel from the Center of Psychiatry and Neurosciences and Henrique Girão from ICBR. Also, we counted with EVCA members from all the partners. It was two amazing days discussing and learning about EVs in a relaxed atmosphere and a beautiful view of the ocean.


Think Tank 5: EVCA Club

10th January

In this webinar, Doctor Ronald Vale from the University of California, San Francisco talked about Democratizing Science Communication. Ron Vale is an outstanding and inspiring scientist, with major contributions to Life Sciences such as the discovery of the motor protein kinesin. Moreover, he also contributed to facilitating free access to science as well as improving scientific publishing in Life Sciences.




EVCA training Workshop 1

7th and 8th of December

EVCA researchers from NOVA Medical School and CIC BioGUNE concluded a two-day workshop at Institut Curie, Paris. The event focused on teaching various topic related to EVS like state-of-the-art methodologies on EV platform, EVS in Cancer, VLP based therapeutics and Magnetic bioengineering of EVs .

Also, the participants had the opportunity to visit the Curie Museum and see the beautiful city of Paris.

Think Tank 2: EVCA Club

November 24th

This webinar was dedicated to exploring the protein arginine methylation in extracellular vesicles. It counted with multiple speakers. Dr. Thierry Dubois and 2 of his students, Sonia Ruggiero and Solène Huard, from Institut Curie talked about the role of protein arginine methylation in triple negative breast cancer. In the end, Dr. Rune Matthiesen from NOVA Medical School, addressed the protein arginine methylation in extracellular vesicles.

EVCA Exploitation Team Seminar

October 25th

EVCA organized an Exploitation Team webinar where we invited Technology Transfer Manager Donatello Castellana, from CIC BioGUNE and Business Development Manager Yannick Campion from Institut Curie, to talk about Technology transfer. 

NMS research Week

October 16th - 20th

The first joint scientific meeting organized by the PhD and Pos-Doc committee of NOVA Medical School. Several ECVA Twinning members presented their work about EVs in different areas of Biomedical Research.

Think Tank 1: EVCA Club

October 9th and 17th 

EVCA organized two webinar sessions about Extracellular Vesicles (EVs) Research. For the 1st session, we had the Researchers Graça Raposo and Gisela D'Angelo from Institut Curie talking about state-of-the-art knowledge in Extracellular Vesicles Research towards new therapies for cancer. In the 2nd Session, we had the Researcher Lorena Martin-Jaular also from Institut Curie talking about isolation and subtypes of EVs and function. 

European Researchers Night 2023

September 29th

EVCA participated in the European Researcher Night, and it was a great success. Our stand was visited by over 200 people, from students and teachers to families, it was fantastic to share knowledge about extracellular vesicles (EVs) and to have fun with them playing the games and winning prizes.

EVCA Training Workshop 2: EVs, OMICS & Bioinformatic tools

September 13th-15th
“Extracellular Vesicles: Molecular and functional characterization applying OMICS technologies combined with Bioinformatics tools”

EVCA researchers from NOVA Medical School, CIC bioGUNE, and the Institut Curie, concluded a three-day practical workshop. The event focused on the application of omics technologies and provided a unique opportunity for participants to gain hands-on experience with state-of-the-art webtools designed for interpreting data generated by omics technologies.

Second PNEV Meeting

June 22nd and 23rd

The second meeting of the Portuguese Network on Extracellular Vesicles (PNEV), aimed to bring together researchers and students working in Portugal in the field of extracellular vesicles (EVs) in Health and Disease. This year's  conference held even greater significance as it was a joint meeting between the PNEV and the EVCA (extracellular vesicles in clinical applications) twining project, bringing together researchers and students from Portugal in the field of extracellular vesicles (EVs) in health and disease.

EVCA Kickoff Meeting

February 27th and 28th

EVCA Twinning Kickoff Meeting… Extracellular vesicles in Clinical Applications. What an amazing event!!!! It was so inspiring to see people coming together, discussing new ideas, what a great way to get things going… Already looking forward to the next event!

EVCA Expert Seminar with Dr. Antonio Gonzalez-Sarrías

11th January

EVCA organized an Expert Seminar with Dr. Antonio Gonzalez-Sarrías from CEBAS-CSIC, Murcia, Spain. He talked about "Use of milk-derived exosomes as nanocarriers to enhance the tissue bioavailability and bioactivity of dietary polyphenols: The DairyPhenosome project". Dr. Antonio is a Tenured Scientist-CSIC at CEBAS-CSIC. The main line of research is based on the identification of plant foods polyphenols that could have a beneficial effect on health, particularly against colorectal and breast cancer, intestinal inflammation and cardiovascular diseases.