O workshop denominado "People living with multimorbidity: what are their needs and how can we improve their healthcare?" irá decorrer na NOVA Medical School no dia 14 de abril 2023.

O workshop é aberto a todos os membros da NMS e especialmente dirigido a investigadores e profissionais de saúde com interesse especial em multimorbidade.
Sob a liderança dos especialistas John Brodersen, professor na Copenhagen University (Dinamarca) e Alexandra Jønsson, professora na Roskilde University (Dinamarca) este workshop irá decorrer presencialmente no auditório MMM, todas as sessões serão apresentadas em inglês.
Programa preliminar:
- 9:00 - 9:30 | Introduction to the workshop (Icebreaker)
- 9:30 - 12:30 | Research on Multimorbidity at the University of Copenhagen
- 9:30 – Patient experiences with multimorbidity
- 10:15-10:45 Coffee break
- 10:45 – How can the quality of life of people with multimorbidity be measured? The MultiMorbidity Questionnaire
- 11:30 – The SOFIA trial: coordinated, co-produced care to reduce mortality and improve quality of life in people with severe mental illness
- 12:30 - 13:30 | Lunch
- 13:30 - 15:00 |Research on Multimorbidity at the CHRC
- 13:30 – Multimorbidity, Functioning and Cognition in older adults: a cross-sectional study (Margarida Goes, UÉvora)
- 14:00 – Using digital system to support goal-oriented care for people living with multimorbidity
- 14:30 – Family physician's decision-making with multimorbidity patients - systematic review and meta-synthesis of qualitative research (David Rodrigues, NMS)
- 15:00 - 15:30 | Closing session
Bios dos líderes do workshop:

Alexandra Jønsson is an associate professor at Roskilde University, Denmark. She is a social anthropologist working within the fields of medicine, public health and social sciences. Core methodological competences lies within ethnographic research, co-design and user involvement, and merging the fields of art and science. Her research is focused on aging, health inequity, severe mental illness and illness perceptions (including overdiagnosis) in the welfare state. I do research on the patient experiences and am currently head of the work package co-designing the intervention in SOFIA study.

John Brodersen is a full professor at Copenhagen University, Denmark. He is general practitioner with over ten years experience in clinical practice and has a PhD in public health and psychometrics. His research is focused on the field of development and validation of questionnaires to measure psychosocial consequences of false-positive screening results. He has employed qualitative and quantitative methods e.g. developed patient reported outcomes measures qualitatively and validated those using Rasch models to objectify subjective areas like psychosocial consequences. In relation to the area of self testing and screening Dr. Brodersen expertise lies in areas of sensitivity, specificity, predictive values, overdiagnosis, informed consent and what the psychosocial consequences are for healthy people when they are tested.
Inscrições devem ser feitas online, através deste link, até ao dia 31 de março.
Mais informaçãos através do contacto para geral@chrc.pt.