ToxOmics aims for interdisciplinary I&D activities using genomic and post-genomic methodologies to study the molecular, biochemical and cellular effects of human genetic diseases and harmful environmental effects, through interrelated approaches
- exposure evaluation, biological responses and genome harmful agents and biological monitoring
- genic expression variability and regulation of disease and therapeutic response
- evaluation and development of toxicogenomic and toxicoproteomic biomarkers.
Our mission revolves around prevention,susceptibility to disease and advanced training in toxicogenomics and human health.
ToxOmics has INSA as a partner, where 5 research groups are based, namely: Genetic Diseases, Functional and Structural Genomics, Environmental Genotoxicity, DNA Analysis Technologies, Signal Transduction Pathologies and Associated Pathologies.
ToxOmics contibutes to the following Sustainable Development Goals (SDG) from UN:

Know more about the dedication of ToxOmics and NOVA Medical School at our Sustainability page.