The PhD in Medicine provides NOVA Medical School with training in clinical research and innovation in Health.
The Bologna process introduced a third cycle of studies aimed at training more qualified professionals who are prepared to pursue academic or clinical and research careers, thus establishing a link between the high standards of higher education and clinical and scientific research.
NOVA Medical School at NOVA University Lisbon offers a cycle of studies leading to the degree of Doctor of Medicine based on the guiding principles of the Bologna process, namely that of promoting the development of knowledge through original research.
The curricular plan has a reduced core structure, corresponding to the compulsory courses, complemented by a wide range of optional courses. This design not only allows for personalized support for each doctoral student, but also access to an advanced and diversified training offer from the Faculty and other UNL organic units. In this way, the program expands the number of students corresponding to the current curricular offer and enhances synergies and multidisciplinary collaborations through the broad participation of other UNL organic units.
Finally, the program develops NMS's relationship with the community through the institutional involvement of the Alumni network. It does this specifically by creating a Mentoring program, promoting a culture of lifelong learning and knowledge transfer.
Within the scope of the Faculty's 3rd cycle training offer, this advanced training is a strategic specificity; a complement to the training offer; innovation in the teaching of methodological approaches in medical research; extension of scale and promotion of interdisciplinarity in the curricular offer; potential for extension to the community.