Copyright & Plagiarism


There are rules regarding the use of information that is produced by us or by third parties (copyright) that must be respected:

Copyright, or author's rights, is a set of legal rights that an author holds over his production (scientific, artistic), for a period.

  • Copyright tends to cover all forms of use.
  • Most of the information available is covered by copyright.
  • An exception is some "public domain" works, which can be reproduced and used by everyone.



All types of copies and prints are subject to copyright law. Given the restrictions in force, the Library doesn’t copy books. The copies of journal articles for teaching and research purposes is carried out.

The responsibility for compliance with the rules in force, regarding documents lent out, lies with the Library users.



The growing phenomenon of plagiarism, voluntary or involuntary, is worrying academic institutions that are studying ways to prevent and sanction its impact. Many students don’t distinguish when plagiarism is committed, but even though it may happen at the beginning of their studies, ignoring it cannot be accepted as a mere excuse.

Thus, plagiarism is committed when:

  • One presents someone else's work, changing the order or some terms, as if it were one's own work;
  • Buying or using a text written by someone else and presenting it as if it were original;
  • If you copy/paste texts from a book, article, or the web, introducing them into your own work, without citing and identifying the source of information.
  • If you use someone else's ideas without citing their authorship;
  • If they paraphrase the words of an author without mentioning him/her;
  • If they use the words, ideas, and work of others as if they were their own.

How to detect plagiarism:

  • Using different referencing styles;
  • Lack of citations throughout the work;
  • Unusual formatting;
  • Different writing styles in the same work;
  • Presentation of completely outdated sources of information;
  • Similarity to another "corrected" paper.

Strategies to avoid plagiarism:

  • Research viewed as a process/learning;
  • Having a work plan;
  • Evaluate the sources of information used;
  • Choose updated information;
  • Define which bibliographic norms to use for citations and references;
  • Building the bibliography from the various sources of information used, from the beginning of the research.

Most used plagiarism detection programs - Turnitin; Ephorus, Copy tracker, Copyscape, Praise, etc...