NMS Alumni Club

It is with great satisfaction and pride that NOVA Medical School resumes contact with all students who graduated here to be part of the NMS Alumni Club. What motivates us to propose this joint trip is the desire to bring the Alumni back home, fostering valuable relationships among alumni, with the NMS and with current students.

The NMS Alumni Club intends to be a network that facilitates and speeds up contact through activities that provide moments of conviviality, joint work, opportunities for career advancement and lifelong learning.

Main proposals to start up the NMS Alumni Club

  • Sending a monthly newsletter to Alumni
  • Promotion of Alumni participation in school life
  • Organization of digital events, such as monthly Alumni Talks
  • Creation of an Alumni mentoring program for MIM 5th grade students

How can Alumni be involved?

  • As "Representatives of the Year", publicizing the Club's initiatives, mobilizing for participation in the Club's activities, among others
  • Sharing information from research projects, academic works, awards received and experiences from college days
  • As speakers at events for Alumni and current students
  • With activity proposals

We encourage alumni to contact us with proposals and suggestions, everyone's contribution is essential for the creation of the network.

Programa de Mentoria



E-mail:  alumni@nms.unl.pt
Tel: +351 914987715


Participe no Grupo de Linkedin do NMS Alumni Club



Programa de Mentoria


NOVA Medical School, through the NMS Alumni Club, launches the 1st Edition of the Mentoring Program.

The Mentoring Program aims to enhance the academic path of students, promoting contact with Alumni about career alternatives and facilitating informed professional decision-making.

There are topics/areas that are not integrated into the university curriculum and where the perspective of an alumni can make all the difference. We come to propose that you share your experience and talent at the service of the doctors of the future.

The participation as a mentor is voluntary and applications take place between June and July 2021.

The 1st Edition of the Mentoring Program will take place with a minimum of 3 mentoring sessions and will last for one academic year. It is open to a maximum of 40 students.

More information here or contact: alumni@nms.unl.pt




  • Cristina Caroça - watch video
  • Rui Tato Marinho - watch video


Different paths within medicine



  • Francisco Oliveira Martins and Cláudia Marques - watch video

Remembering the times at NMS

Lucindo Ormonde – Alumnus graduado em 1981
Rui Tato Marinho

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NMS Alumni Club Manager: Ana Dominguez
E-mail:  alumni@nms.unl.pt
Tel: +351 914987715

 Join the NMS Alumni Club Linkedin Group