Bachelor's Degree in Nutrition Sciences

The Bachelor’s Degree in Nutrition Sciences qualifies to practice the profession of Nutritionist, which is one of the professions with great relevance in the field of health.

The teaching of Nutrition Sciences in NOVA Medical School, sharing a great part of the teaching of Medicine, is a strong bet from the integrative point of view since it will make possible to acquire hands-on research skills, allowing the students to understand associations and recommendations, and ensure more holistic and effective diagnostics and intervention strategies.


Presentation Degree in Nutritional Sciences
Clinical Teaching - CUF Tejo Hospital
Professor Conceição Calhau, Nutrition Sciences Degree Coordinator
Alexandre Rodrigues, Alumnus NOVA Medical School
Catarina Brás, 3rd year Nutrition Sciences student
Inês Neto Moreira, NOVA Medical School Alumna

What our students say

"At NOVA Medical School, I had the opportunity to learn a lot about nutritional sciences, but also about numerous other areas such as communication. I pursued a master's degree in science communication and always felt well-prepared and that my education was truly excellent. The atmosphere at the college has always been incredible, and there are many extracurricular activities in which we can engage to acquire important soft skills for a future healthcare professional."

Joana Maria Ricardo Fonseca


Conceição Calhau
Vice-Dean for Community Outreach


  • Language | Portuguese/ English
  • ECTS | 240
  • Application Dates | Soon
  • Duration | 8 semesters
  • Vacancies | 20
  • Specific Examinations
    02 Biology and Geology
    07 Physics and Chemistry
  • Minimum Enrollment Note | 120 points
    Application Score - 120 points
    Entrance examinations - 120 points
  • Formula for calculation
    High School Average: 50%
    Entrance examinations: 50%


Related Information

Registration for Courses - External Students


41000 Molecular and Cellular Biology 5,5
41001 Nutrition and Metabolism I  5
41002 Sociology and History of Food 3
41003 Primary Food Production 5,5
41004 Food Chemistry 5,5
41005 Human Feeding 5,5


41006 Nutrition and Metabolism II 5
41107 Biostatistics I  3
41006 Morphology I  5
41009 Genetics 3
41010 Human Nutrition 6
41011 Health Communication 5
11111 Family, Health and Illness: repetition in Families 3
11114 History of Medicine 3
11117 Informatics and Medical Digital Platforms 3
11200 Introduction to writing and scientific publication 3
11115 Foreign Language - English 3
11170 Sign Language 3


41012 Immunology 4
41013 Nutritional Epidemiology 4
41014 Physiology 9
41015 Morphology II  5
41016 Basic Microbiology 4
41017 Food technology and new products 4


41018 Biopathology
41021  Bromatology
41019 Pathophysiology
41023 Gastrothenia 5
41024 Food and Nutrition Marketing 3
41020 Food Microbiology 4
41022 Public health 4


41031 Nutrition Assessment 4
41026 Pharmacology 4
41029 Food Management Tools 3
41025 Research Methods 5
41030 Maternal and Pediatric Nutrition 5
41028 Food Safety 4
41027 Food Toxicology 5


41036 Diet Therapy I 6
41038 Ethics and Professional Deontology 3
41037 Community Nutrition 4
41033 Nutrition in Geriatrics 4
41032 Nutrition in Sports 4
41035 Psychology and Nutrition 5
41034 Food Quality and Management Systems 4


41041 Collective Feeding and Management 6
41040 Biostatistics II 4
41042 Diet therapy II 6
41043 Artificial nutrition 5
41044 Nutrition Policy 4
41039 Research project 5


41045 Internship 30



It has as main objective the qualification of graduates in the following fields.

  • Food and Human Nutrition in the Life Cycle

To analyze the effects of what is ingested, arising from the use and metabolic functions of nutrients and others food constituents, as well as the study of food, diet, diets, and supplements in the life cycle.

  • Public Health and Epidemiology

Develop and apply the study of food intake, nutritional status and their relationships with the disease. Plan, promote and communicate community intervention programs.

  • Clinical Nutrition

Evaluate the nutritional status, nutritional needs and prescribe the food/nutritional plan appropriate to each pathology.

  • Food Services and Management 

Analyze the functional technical and sanitary conditions of facilities, personnel and foodstuffs. Plan menus and optimize the cost/quality of meals.

  • Research and Teaching

Investigate and convey knowledge by promoting health and well-being.

  • Nutrition in Sport

Assess nutritional status, nutritional needs and draw up adequate food plans, according to the training program.

  • Food Industry

Collaborate in the development of new products, based on nutritional recommendations. Provide technical and scientific support to marketing.

General Information

This Bachelor's Degree is designed so that future Nutritionists are able to:

  • Use concepts in the problematization and analysis of a particular case or situation (simulated or real);
  • Evaluate, analyze and make decisions based on scientific evidence (Code of Ethics of Nutritionists, Art. 4, d);
  • Express personal opinion with arguments;
  • Take positions revealing critical and/or humanistic and/or ethical attitude; express ability to design strategies appropriate to different situations and in different scenarios;
  • To carry out the profession by showing a critical and/or humanistic and/or ethical and/or welcoming and/or respectful position in the development of the various professional activities;
  • Respect diversity;
  • To participate in the health policy debate as an active part.
Interested in finding out more information?
We recognize that making an important academic decision like this can raise a number of questions and concerns.
That's why Nova Medical School's Academic Services team is available to offer support and assistance throughout the process.  
Contact us or alternatively fill in the form below and we will get back to you.
Phone:: +351 21 880 30 01/02/04
Office Hours::
Monday to Friday
09:30am-1pm / 2pm-4pm