General Rules

The Library may be used by any user over 16 years old;

Users with special needs must ask for the support of the staff at the reception desk;

The Library staff and the security guard may ask for the users' identification whenever necessary;

It is not allowed

Changing the furniture layout in the various spaces;

Eating, drinking and talking on the mobile phone in the reading room, offices and research room;

Photocopy items, taking into account the copyright laws and legislation in force

Take photographs or any other video or audio records on the Library premises without due authorization. 

The Library is not responsible for forgotten, lost or damaged personal objects and reserves the right to remove from tables and dispose of left, unclaimed goods;

Group visits must be requested in advance.

Library Rules


The lockers are reserved to users of the NMS community;

The key to the lockers must be requested at the Reference Desk and returned at the end of the day;

If the key isn’t returned, until the end of the day, the student may be penalised with the interdiction of using the Library services (use of lockers, study cabinets and loans);

If the key is lost, the student is responsible for the payment of a new key and, if necessary, lock replacement. The same applies if the locker is damaged;

The Library declines responsibility in case of disappearance of personal belongings kept inside each locker.


Study Rooms - 1

Individual use (1 person);

Reservations can be made up to 4 days in advance, in person or through the form available on the Library's site;

The key to the cabinet requested by the user responsible for the booking must be picked up at the Service Counter, with a 15 minute grace period;

If the key is not picked up until the stipulated time, the cabinet can be made available to the first user who requests it in person at the counter;


Search Room -1

A place must be reserved for the Research Room.  Use of the room for individual study purposes only. Use limited to NMS users.

Silence must be respected.

It is not allowed to:

Carry out group work in this space;

Run programs without prior authorisation;

Install new programs on the computer. If necessary, you should contact the Library's IT department (or the Reference Desk);


Leave personal objects to mark their place in this space, the Library reserves the right to remove from the desks goods left improperly;


Reading Room -2

Use of the room for study purposes only;

Silence must be respected;

It is not allowed to:

Carry out group work in this space;

Leave personal objects to mark their place in this space, the Library reserves the right to remove from the desks goods left improperly;


Put books on the shelves.