Theses and Dissertations

List of doctoral theses and master's dissertations presented by year and area of specialty/research


Health Sciences
specialisation Biomedicine



Biochemical for Health


Clinical Research Management (MEGIC)
associação UAveiro, ISEGI, ENSP


Medical Microbiology
association IHMT, FCT, ITQB






Health Sciences - Biomedicine
Regenerativa Medicine (ProRegeM)


Saúde Pública Global



Biochemistry for Health


Clinical Research Management (MEGIC)


NOVA Biomedical Research (NBR)


Medical Microbiology


Human Nutrition and Metabolism


Primary Care Mental Health
Health Sciences - Biomedicine


Regenerativa Medicine (ProRegeM)
Aging and Chronic Diseases


Biochemistry for Health
Clinical Research Management (MEGIC)
NOVA Biomedical Research (NBR)


Human Nutrition and Metabolism


Primary Care Mental Health



Medicine - Clinical Research

ALMEIDA, Ana - Screening for retinopathy of prematury: how can we do better?

BALSINHA, Maria - Users and health professionals' perspectives regarding Portuguese primary care services: a focus on dementia

COELHO, Ana - Renal recovery after an episode of acute kidney injury

FERREIRA, Ana - Bone-derived hormones, bone disorders and cardiovascular disease in kidney transplanted patients

FERREIRA, Bruna - The role of extracellular vesiclesin multiple myeloma

MARTO, Natália - In vivo phenotyping of sultia enzymes in man implications for precision medicine

MENDES, Neuza - Hemoglobina a1c, frutosamina e albumina glicada na diabetes gestacional: marcadores de controlo metabólico e desfechos materno-fetais

NEVES, Marisa - The role of high-density lipoproteins in the activation of T lymphocytes and regulation of immune response

OURÔ, Susana - Biological and surgical determinants in the treatment of rectal cancer 

ROSA, Sílvia - Microcirculation dysfunction in hypertrophic cardiomyopathy

SILVA, Tiago - Circulating micro-rna profiles according to atherosclerotic disease expression : a contribute to phenotype characterization and insights into pathophysiology


Medicine - Biomedicine

BORBINHA, Jorge - The effects of metabolic reprogramming during zebrafish tissue regeneration (3 years embargo - 07.12.2022 a 07.12.2025)

LOPES, Liliana - Molecular mechanisms of melanin secretion by melanocytes and processing within keratinocytes (3 years embargo - 21.12.2022 a 21.12.2025)

MATIAS, Ana - Dissecting the differential molecular signature in patients From african-origin with triple-negative breast cancer

SOUSA, Marcelo - Substantia Nigra in Parkinson’s disease: exploring the encoding of movement kinematics by Dopaminergic Neurons


Mecanismos de Doença e Medicina Regenerativa

MARQUES, Graça - Characterization of novel factors regulating neural stem cell proliferation, temporal fate and neuronal diversity (3 years embargo - 29.04.2022 to 29.04.2025)

MONTEIRO, Ana - Underlying role of glycation in the pathogenesis of Parkinson’s disease (3 years embargo - 30.11.2022 a 30.11.2025)

PINA, Ana F. - Non-communicable diseases stratification and integration: a clinical approach

RODRIGUES, Cátia - Neuronal and glial growth and development: dissecting the role of RalA and exocyst in  Drosophila peripheral nervous system (2 years embargo - 09.04.2022 to 09.04.2024)

Global Public Healthcare

MARQUES, Maria - Factors influencing the quality of relationship in dementia: a mixed-methods approach (3 years embargo - 07.11.2022 a 07.11.2025)




Biochemistry for Health

BARATA, Isabel - The Role of Progesterone Receptor Membrane Component 1 (PGRMC1) in Cytochromes P450 (CYP)- Mediated Drug Metabolism and its Implication in Chemotherapy Resistance (2 years embargo - 06.04.2022 to 06.04.2024)

BENTO, Luís - Anti-inflammatory activity of berries driven polyphenols in zebrafish larvae fed with oxidizedlipids and LPS

COSTA, Ana - Suscetibilidade genética em doentes COVID19 hospitalizados: o caso português

DOMINGUES, Ana - Role of micrornas in cancer drug resistance

DUARTE, Catarina - Role of microRNAs and epigenetics modifications in paclitaxel resistance in a breast cancer cell line model

VALE, Ana - Biological relevance of VUS identified in ATM gene and the role in DNA damage response


Clinical research Magement

ABREU, Daniela - Coordenação de estudos clínicos no Centro Hospitalar de Lisboa Ocidental

BARBOSA, Ana - Relatório de estágio em coordenação de investigação clínica na Blueclinical, ltd

BARBOSA, Ana - Relatório de estágio em coordenação de investigação clínica na Blueclinical, ltd

CAETANO, Madalena - Relatório de estágio curricular em coordenação de estudos clínicos no Centro Hospitalar de Lisboa Ocidental, E.P.E.

COELHO, Carolina - Relatório de estágio em coordenação de ensaios clínicos de oncologia

CORREIA, Miguel - Estágio em coordenação de estudos clínicos na CUF Academic Center

COSTA, Mariana - Estágio de coordenação de estudos & atividades de monitorização e start-up de ensaios clínicos na AIDFM-Associação para a Investigação e Desenvolvimento da Faculdade de Medicina 

FIALHO, Helena - Estágio de monitorização de estudos na keypoint, group evidenze

GOEDE, Kay Shawnee - Estágio em gestão e monitorização de estudos clínicos na Novartis Farma

INÁCIO, Ana - Coordenação de estudos clínicos no centro hospitalar lisboa ocidental, E.P.E.

LEMOS, Beatriz - Start-up, monitorização e coordenação de estudos 

PINTO, Catarina - Relatório de estágio curricular em coordenação de estudos clínicos no Lusíadas Knowledge Center

MEDEIROS, João - Relatório de estágio de coordenação em investigação clínica em dois hospitais parceiros da Blueclinical CRP 

NETO, Pedro - Relatório de estágio em tarefas regulamentares e de monitorização na W4Research

OLIVEIRA, Madalena - Coordenação de estudos clínicos na Blueclinical

SILVÉRIO, Catarina - Start-up e monitorização de estudos clínicos

Biomedical Research

ALMEIDA, Vicente - Regulation of γδ17 T cell homeostasis by stress-derived signals (3 years embargo - 17.11.2022 to 17.11.2025)

AMORIM, Filipa - Ovarian cancer zebrafish avatar for personalized therapy (3 years embargo - 16.11.2022 to 16.11.2025)

AMORIM, Joana - Polymeric nanoparticles for local delivery of multicolor genetic circuits in breast cancer (3 years embargo - 02.12.2022 to 02.12.2025)

ANTÓNIO, Patrícia - The effect of sphingosine-1-phosphate in lymphocytes of patients with pancreatic cancer

CAPUCHO, Adriana - The role of carotid body in brain insulin resistance and neurodegeneration

CASTAÑEDA MATIZ, Luisamaria - Unveiling the role of DIPK2B in hematopoietic development and primary immunodeficiencies (3 years embargo - 23.11.2022 to 23.11.2025)

CATARINO, Joana - Probing striatal subpopulations in outcome-dependent action control in rats

COELHO, Rita - Characterization of cellular organelles and the endo-lysosomal pathway in choroideremia patient cells (3 years embargo - 22.11.2022 to 22.11.2025)

COSTA, Miguel - Biological effect of Type I procollagen carboxyterminal propeptide in breast cancer tumor microenvironment

CUNHA, César - Disclosing lysosomal dysfunction with neuronal aging : a potential mechanism of early synaptic degeneration in alzheimer's (3 years embargo - 22.03.2022 to 22.03.2025)

DIAS, Maria - Mechanisms of reinnervation during wound healing: novel roles for epithelial-glial communication (3 years embargo - 04.05.2022 to 04.05.2025)

LOPES, Francisco - Investigating the role of innate immune memory in microglial-mediated synaptic remodeling (3 years embargo - 11.05.2022 to 11.05.2025)

KAMIKI, Jéssica - Mucosal-associated invariante T cells : novel players in pancreatic cancer

MARQUES, Ana - Contribution of high histone acetylation in memory allocation (3 years embargo - 26.04.2022 a 26.04.2025)

MOTA, Sara - A new paradigm to study NF-κB in vivo and the role of dietary phenolic metabolites using drosophila (3 years embargo - 10.05.2022 to 10.05.2025)

PACHECO, Rita - Proteomic approach to the caracterization of unknown origin male infertility

PEREIRA, Tiago - Uncovering the mechanism of CD2AP behind Alzheimer’s disease (3 years embargo - 23.11.2022 a 23.11.2025)

PIRES, Dinis - GLP1 acts on the carotid body to modulate glucose homeostasis and cardiorespiratory responses (3 years embargo - 15.12.2022 to 15.12.2025)

SAAB, Maria - Engineered cardiac tissues with improved maturation for regenerative medicine

SILVA, Nuno - Development of zebrafish chemical screens to identify new modifiers of intestinal neutrophilic inflammation

TEIXEIRA, Melissa - Nanoformulations of novel metal-complexes as potential antitumor agents


Metabolism and Human Nutrition

CASTELA, Inês - Unravelling the role of adipose tissue metabolism in diet-induced weight loss : results from a randomised controlled trial

LICKFOLD, Mafalda - Associação entre alterações da composição corporal e o perfil cardiometabólico após cirurgia metabólica e bariátrica

PITA, Débora - Portuguese questionnaires for assesing dietary supplements usage by athletes

PROJECTO, Maria - The influence of anthocyanin treatment on the mesenteric adipose tissue expression of enampt in animal models of obesity

REMÍGIO, Inês - Associação entre o estado nutricional de indivíduos que tiveram diagnóstico de covid-19 e sintomas persistentes da doença

RODRIGUES, Tânia - The efficacy of faecal microbiota transplantation for the treatment of irritable bowel syndrome: a sistematic review and meta-analysis

SANTOS, Gilberto - Fecal samples with more bifidobacteria protect against intestinal permeability


Saúde Mental nos Cuidados Primários

MAHDY, Marwa - Assessment of Saudi public knowledge and attitudes toward mental health disorders and its demographic correlation (3 years embargo - 18.05.2022 to 18.05.2025)


especialidade Investigação Clínica:
especialidade Biomedicina:
  • PEREIRA, Joana - 
especialidade Saúde das Populações:


Ciências da Saúde
especialidade Biomedicina:


Envelhecimento e Doenças Crónicas
associação UMinho, UC
Mecanismos de Doença e Medicina Regenerativa



Bioquímica para a Saúde


Gestão da Investigação Clínica (MEGIC)


Investigação Biomédica


Microbiologia Médica
associação IHMT, ITQB, FCT


Nutrição Humana e Metabolismo
Updated january 22th, 2025