Advanced Training

Advanced training is a commitment of NOVA Medical School. The offer is broad and diverse and aims to enhance knowledge, research and knowledge sharing.

NMS offers more than a dozen Postgraduate courses, some of which are taught in English.

More informations:

Open courses and programs

Advanced Training in Medical Humanities: Narrative Medicine - 1st Ed.

Applications open until September 9, 2024

Advanced Training in Obesity: from Pathophysiology to Treatment - 1st Ed.

Applications open until September 10, 2024

Advanced Training in Trauma and Resuscitation - 3rd Ed.

Applications open until September 27, 2024

Advanced Training Digestive Endoscopy in Human Cadaver - 1st Ed.

Applications open until October 3, 2024

Advanced Training in Cardiac Surgery: Hands On - 1st Ed.

Applications open until October 25, 2024

Advanced Training in New In Vitro Models - 1st Ed.

Applications open until November 4, 2024

Advanced Training in Genetics and Genomics in the Clinic

Applications open until August 30, 2024


Advanced Training in Genetics and Genomics in the Clinic

September 13 to December 19, 2024

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Advanced Training in Vaccine hesitancy

September 23 to October 4, 2024

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Advanced Training in Cardiac Surgery: Hands On

November 9 and 10, 2024

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Advanced Training in Health Project Management

November 8 to 29, 2024

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Advanced Training in Clinical Echocardiography: learn with the masters

November 29, November 30 and December 6th, 2024

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Advanced Training in Sustainability Management in Healthcare

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Trauma and Resuscitation

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Advanced Training in Animal Experimentation

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Other courses

Medicine 4.0
Advanced Training in Endoscopic Lumbar Spine Surgery - 6th Ed.
Trauma and Resuscitation - 2nd Ed.
Cell and Molecular Mechanism of Aging and Associated Diseases - 2nd ed.
Clinical Echocardiography 2023 - 1st Ed.
Project Management in Health - 1st Ed.
Critical Appraisal of the Medical Literature - 7th Ed.
Advanced Theoretical and Practical Colposcopy Course
Hand Surgery
Animal Experimentation - 10th Ed.
Genetics and Genomics in Clinics - 4th Ed.
Advanced Training in Cardiorenal Syndrome - 1st Ed.
Alimentação e Nutrição Pediátrica: 8 Hot Topics
Implementing value-based healthcare practices in a digital and ageing society
Doenças Médicas e Gravidez - 3ª Ed
F.A.M.A. - 1ª Ed

(Feedback, Acolhimento, Modelagem e Atribuição de Confiança)

Non-Pharmacological Therapy in Diabetes Mellitus - 2nd Ed.
Ecografia Abdominal Clínica do TrainR4U
Translating Clinical Research into Innovation to Ackle Age-related Health Problems
Pathophysiology of Asthma: Towards Precision Medicine - 1st Ed.
Intestinal Microbiota: Implications for Clinical Practice



Nutrition in Sport
Health, Technology and Innovation
Microbiota, Athlete Health and Performance
Clarifying Clinical Doubts
Glycobiology & Glycochemistry: Internacional E-Learning Course
CLIC Program - Level 1
CLIC Program - Level 2
Advanced Lapaoscopics Surgery in Urology
Communication in General Practice
Emergency and Intensive Care Medicine
Lisbon International Learning Program on Mental Health Policy and Services
Child and Adolescent Neurodevelopment
NOVA-BMJ Research to Publication Program