PhD in Biomedicine

PhD in association between two institutions:

FCM|NMS/UNL and Universidade de Aveiro


The 3rd Cycle of Studies leading to the degree of Doctor of Biomedicine aims to train the student to develop conceptual and methodological tools to apply to biomedicine. It's main objective is to provide students with a multidisciplinary training to be at the forefront of biomedical research. This training will provide a broad view of the field in order to enable the student to transfer the scientific knowledge and skills to academia, industry, or  to analytical or research laboratories. The ultimate goal is to prepare students for future professional environments.

Emphasis will be on collaborative research projects, and the curricular structure of this program is organized in a group of core courses and advanced complementary courses taught by both institutions, giving students the opportunity to experience the scientific environments at both universities.


More Information:

  1. Application announcement
  2. Study Plan
  3. Universidade NOVA de Lisboa course guide


If you need detailed information, please contact us:

Office Hours
Monday to Friday
09h30-13h00 / 14h00-16h00
Tel+351 218 803 066


  • Paula Macedo, PhD
  • Professor Sofia Pereira, PhD

Program Duration

4 years



Study Plan


  • 1st phase: May 27 to June 14, 2024
  • 2nd phase: August 26 to September 13, 2024
  • 3rd phase: October 1 to 11, 2024