This advanced course is implemented by five complementary NOVA Schools: NOVA School of Science and Technology (FCT NOVA), Instituto de Tecnologia Química e Biológica António Xavier (ITQB NOVA), NOVA Information Management School (NOVA IMS), NOVA Medical School (NOVA MS) and Instituto de Higiene e Medicina Tropical (IHMT NOVA)
The new course provides solid hands-on training to students holding a degree in Life Sciences in the core disciplines of computational biology and bioinformatics, while maintaining a flexible structure composed of a common core and two branches. The common core develops the students proficiency in informatics, mathematics and artificial intelligence and exposes them to the different fields of computational biology. The flexible structure enables the students to specialize in one of the two branches: Multi-Omics for Life and Health Sciences and Biosystems Simulation for Life and Health Sciences.
Applications AL 2021/2022
More Information
For further information, please contact via email: here
Graduates can pursue careers in education and research and development (R&D) in national or European service industries, including:
- Medical centers and hospitals
- Clinical and Veterinary Laboratories
- Public health
- Forensic science
- Pharmaceutical industry
- Food industry
- Cosmetics industry
- Biotechnology industry
- Consulting, governmental organizations
Documents required | Qualifications Certificate; CV
Access Requirements
Holders of a degree in Biology, Biochemistry, Chemistry, Chemical Engineering, Biological Engineering, Biomedical Engineering or related areas;
Holders of a degree in Mathematics, Computer Science or related areas will be evaluated by the Scientific Committee of the Master's program and may need to take additional course units;
Holders of a foreign academic degree in any of the scientific areas mentioned above, conferred at the end of a 1st study cycle according to the Bologna Process;
Holders of a foreign academic degree in any of the above mentioned scientific areas, which is recognized as fulfilling the objectives of the degree of licenciado by the Scientific Council of the coordinating institutions (FCT NOVA and ITQB NOVA);
Holders of an academic, scientific or professional curriculum in the scientific areas mentioned in nr. 1, recognized as attesting the capacity to attend the Master's course by the Scientific Council of the coordinating institutions (FCT NOVA and ITQB NOVA) upon proposal of the Master's Scientific Committee.