Procedure for the recruitment of one Auxiliary Researcher, under private law, for a scientific research career, in the biomedicine area, with experience in oncology and nanomedicine research. Application deadline: 17th March 2022.
In accordance with articles 7 and 9 of Regulation N.º 393/2018 of 28th June, (Regulation on careers, recruitment and employment contracts of researchers under private law of NOVA University of Lisbon (Diário da República, 2nd series, N.º 123, of 28th June) and Rectoral Order N.º 8272 /2020 of 26th August (Diário da República, 2nd series, N.º 166 of 26th August) of NOVA University of Lisbon, by delegation of powers, the Dean of NOVA Medical School, Professor Doctor Helena Cristina de Matos Canhão, makes it known that a documental application is open for a period of 15 working days, counting from the day immediately following the publication of this Notice in a media of national expansion.
Official Notice on the left