Workshop: Love after 50


Aimed at the entire community, with a focus on the population over 50, the 'Love after 50' Workshop will take place at NOVA Medical School's MMM Auditorium on February 13, 2025, between 14:30 and 17:00.

This event, organized by the Social Commission of the Parish of Arroios - Active Ageing, Safety and Mobility Group, in partnership with NOVA Medical School, aims to discuss some of the issues surrounding emotional relationships at this stage of life. 

Dr. Maria do Céu Santo, a specialist in Gynaecology and Obstetrics at ULS Santa Maria and author of the books “Smile with your whole body”, “Love without Limits” and “Love without Doubt” will talk about 'Love without Limits', and Renata Chaleira, Clinical Psychologist, Psychotherapist and Sexologist at CUF Descobertas Hospital and CUF Almada will discuss 'Love without complexes'.

'Is it possible to live love to the full?' is the topic under discussion at the round table, moderated by rheumatologist and professor at NOVA Medical School, Dr. Ana Maria Rodrigues, which will also include the participation of members of the theater group from the Academia Sénior de Arroios (ASA). 

The event's program also includes a performance by the ASA group and the opening of the photographic exhibition “The only time is now”, by Nicole Sanchez, on display at NOVA Medical School until March 13.

Registration for the event is free, but compulsory, and can be done through this link.