2nd NOVA Medical School Biosafety Workshop


On April 9th, the 2nd NOVA Medical School Biosafety Workshop will take place, an event dedicated to debate and reflect on biosafety in biomedical research, exploring topics ranging from regulation to sustainability in the laboratory. 

This initiative takes place in the Manuel Machado Macedo Auditorium (Grey Bulding, Rua Câmara Pestana 6, Lisbon) between 10 am and 5 pm.

See the full program and register via this link!



10:00 am | Welcome Session

  • João Conde, Vice-Dean for Research at NOVA Medical School

10:15 am | Session 1

From Lab Safety to Regulations: Multiple Insights on Research Compliance

Moderators: Catarina Martins and Diogo Bitoque

  • Looking at Science from a Regulatory Perspective - Luis Gramacho, APA, Portugal
  • H&S in Research Centers: the i3S Experience - Joana Correia, i3S, Portugal
  • Specificities of Research Centers: Radiology Protection - Patrícia Castro, i3S, Portugal

11:45 am | Round Table

Working with Genetically Modified Organisms in Biomedical Research

Moderators: Catarina Martins and Diogo Bitoque

  • Luis Gramacho, APA, Portugal
  • Joana Correia, i3S, Portugal

12:15 pm | Commercial Sessions

12:30 | Lunch Break

2:30 pm | Session 2

Antibiotics Under Pressure: Tackling Resistance in Clinics and Research

Moderators: Sara Marques and Maria de Jesus Chasqueira

  • Medical Perspective on the Excessive Use of Antibiotics - Paulo Paixão, NOVA Medical School, Portugal
  • Can We Reduce the Footprint of Biomedical Research?
  1. Concerns Over the Unregulated Use of Antibiotics in Animal Research - Rebecca Wilcox, APCAH, Australia
  2. Use of Antibiotics in Vivaria: insights from the European Perspective - Dolores Bonaparte, NOVA Medical School & KNAW, The Netherlands
  3. Living in an Antibiotic-free Cell Culture Environment - To be confirmed

4:00 pm | Coffee Break

4:30 pm | Session 3

Bridging Biosafety and Sustainability: A New Challenge for Biomedical Research

Moderators: Diogo Pestana and Manuela Correia

  • Biosafety and Sustainability: the View of Funding Entities – Beatriz Fernández, NOVA Medical School, Portugal
  • Green Chemistry: Greener and Safer? - To be confirmed

5:00 pm | Closing Session

  • Júlia Seixas, Pro-Rector at NOVA University Lisbon