The I International Meeting on the Brain Vasculature will take place virtually, on the 3rd of June 2022.
We cordially invite you to join us for this I International Meeting on the Brain Vasculature, which will take place virtually, on the 3rd of June 2022.
This meeting will bring clinicians and researchers together to discuss the role of the brain vasculature in the healthy and injured central nervous system. This is a key element of the neurovascular unit that continues to evade our attention.
We expect this to be the first of many meetings debating:
- vascular biochemistry and the cellular/molecular mechanisms elicited in these cells
- blood-brain barrier interactions
- crosstalk with stem cell niches
- role of the brain endothelium in disease development
- agents or procedures of therapeutic value targeting the brain vasculature
In this I International Meeting on the Brain Vasculature, we encourage the neurovascular community to present their work on these topics specifically occurring in an ischemic environment and/or affected by ischemia. Lectures will be given by invited leading experts in the field (keynote speakers) and by speakers selected from submitted abstracts (oral communications). Online poster sessions will also be included.
Oral communications and poster communications require abstract submission. The form includes the guidelines. Only registered participants are eligible to submit an abstract. Please indicate on the abstract submission form your preference (oral communication or poster communication). The final selection made by the Scientific Committee will consider research excellence and novelty.
Scientific Committee
- Alexandra Brito, Instituto de Investigação do Medicamento, Faculdade de Farmácia, Universidade de Lisboa
- Bruno Sarmento, Instituto de Investigação e Inovação em Saúde, Universidade do Porto
- João Sargento Freitas, Departamento de Neurologia, Centro Hospitalar e Universitário de Coimbra
- Lino Ferreira, Faculdade de Medicina, Universidade de Coimbra; Centro de Neurosciências e Biologia Celular, Universidade de Coimbra
- Miguel Castelo Branco, Faculdade de Ciências da Saúde, Universidade da Beira Interior e Centro Académico Clínico das Beiras
- Raquel Ferreira, NOVA Medical School, CEDOC (Centro de Investigação em Doenças Crónicas) e Universidade de Beira Interior
- Sérgio Dias, Instituto de Medicina Molecular João Lobo Antunes, Faculdade de Medicina, Universidade de Lisboa
Abstract Submission
Deadline for abstract submission is April 23rd 2022.
Selected candidates will be notified by the May 2nd 2022.
Form for Abstract Submission:
Oral communications will have a maximum duration of 15 minutes.
Selected poster presenters will be asked to prepare a maximum of 5 slides for a 3-minute pre-recorded short presentation. Videos should be recorded using the PowerPoint recording feature (please click on the “Record” tab in this application and turn the camera on while recording your presentation). Videos that surpass the 3 minute timestamp will not be eligible for the best poster communication award.
Videos must be sent until the May 26th to Attendants to the virtual sessions will have time for questions.
None of the videos will be shared outside the event or used for promotional purposes.
The winning short communication will be awarded 100 euro.
The winning poster communication will be awarded 50 euro.
Participation is free of charge and requires registration in the following link:
Registration for virtual participation includes access to all presentations, abstract book, and certificates of participation.
Deadline is April 30th 2022.
Access to the online conference platform will be provided after registration. For additional clarifications, please contact us at
Cláudio Areias Franco
Institute of Molecular Medicine João Lobo Antunes
Faculty of Medicine
University of Lisbon
João Sargento Freitas
Neurology Department, Coimbra Hospital and Univeristy Centre
Lino Ferreira
Faculty of Medicine, University of Coimbra
Center for Neurocience and Cell Biology, University of Coimbra
- Sociedade Portuguesa de Neurociências

- Concessus

The Organizing Comittee:
- Raquel Ferreira
- Liliana Bernardino
- Nataša Lončarević-Vasiljković
- Patrícia Rocha
- Communication Office