NOVA Medical School presents the Conference "Health & Technology - What is the common ground", with lectures and a rountable with experts in the field of innovation, technology and health.
Registration here.

NOVA Medical School is promoting the Conference "Health & Technology - What is the common ground", which will take place on March 23rd, at 5pm, in the Sala dos Actos at NMS, and will feature lectures and a panel discussion with experts in innovation, technology, and health.
This initiative is part of the Estoril Conferences, which will take place on September 1st and 2nd, and is co-organized by NOVA Medical School, Nova SBE, Câmara de Cascais and Turismo de Portugal. Based on 4 pillars, Planet, Peace, Policies and People/Health, the Estoril Conferences will feature numerous speakers to promote a more just, equitable, sustainable and inclusive future.