Celebrate the World Earth Day 2023 at NMS on the 21st of April with the symbolic gesture of planting the first species of our School's Vegetable Garden.

The World Earth Day is celebrated every year on April 22 and it aims to promote the protection of the Planet and raise awareness of the importance of preserving natural resources.
This year, to celebrate this day, the Sustainability team at NMS promotes two actions for the entire School community.
A celebração inicia-se com a palestra “Onde estiver, Recicle Sempre” que conta com a presença de um orador convidado da Sociedade Ponto Verde, e que irá decorrer no auditório 1 às 14h. E, em seguida, toda a conunidade é convidada a juntar-se para dar a plantação de ervas aromáticas, que serão as primeiras espécies da Horta NMS. A Horta da Comunidade NMS está integrada no projeto Summer Medical School: Lifestyle e vai nascer junto ao Edifício Escolar.
The celebration begins with the lecture “Wherever you are, Always Recycle”, which features a guest speaker from Sociedade Ponto Verde, and will take place in auditorium 1 at 2 pm. Afterwards, the whole community is invited to join the planting of aromatic herbs, which will be the first species of the NMS Vegetable Garden. The NMS Community Vegetable Garden is part of the Summer Medical School: Lifestyle project and will be born next to the School Building.
This is an initiative All-for-All, for a healthier and more sustainable life!