Group of 12th grade students visits NOVA Medical School


On 11 July, NOVA Medical School's Communication and Marketing Service organised a visit for a group of 12th grade students with an interest in health. This initiative aimed to provide an immersive and informative experience about the training and research opportunities at NOVA Medical School.

The visit began at the Hospital de São José, where the participants visited the Urology Examination Block, the Clinical Pathology Laboratory, the Integrated Responsibility Centre for the Emergency Department (CRISU) and the Pathological Anatomy Laboratory.

In addition to the hospital, the students also visited NOVA Medical School, where they explored the Food Research Laboratory, the Clinical Simulation Centre, took part in a Nutrition Consultation and the Science Fair, which featured various practical activities by NOVA Medical School research groups.

It was a pleasure to have these interested participants from Salesianos de Lisboa, Salesianos de Manique and Escola Secundária de Santa Maria! 

Our special thanks also go to the team of doctors and nurses from Hospital de São José (ULS São José), the Doctoral and Postdoctoral Student Committees and the volunteer researchers, the Nutrition team and the Clinical Simulation team from NOVA Medical School, as well as the NOVA Medical School Student Association for their availability and friendliness during this day!