PhD student returns to her elementary school to inspire future generations of scientists


Back at the school where it all began, NOVA Medical School PhD student Inês Gomes had the opportunity to inspire future generations of scientists, as part of the “Scientist returns to School” program, an initiative promoted by Native Scientists.

During her return to her kindergarten school EB1 Nº 2 Mem Martins, in Sintra, the student was with two 4th grade classes, a total of 50 students. Her aim was to show, through practical and interactive activities, that science is present in our daily lives and that any child can be a scientist - they just need to be curious.

“I've always loved explaining what I do in the lab and, for me, the best audience is children. When I heard about this Native Scientists initiative, I jumped at the chance, especially as I could do it at the school where I grew up and started my education.”

In total, three different activities were organized, covering topics that reflect the student's academic journey from the years she attended that school to her current research at NOVA Medical School: what it means to be a scientist and the importance of science in everyday life; exploring the concept of cell culture; and understanding cancer through a playful approach.

For Inês, returning to her school was a special opportunity, not only for being able to revisit the space and the teacher who accompanied her during elementary school, but also for the enthusiasm of the students, the curious questions and the hugs of thanks at the end of the visit.