NOVA Medical School



NMS is an academic unit of Universidade NOVA de Lisboa and it currently has 1.770 students in the Integrated Master Degree in Medicine, 102 in the Bachelor´s Degree in Nutrition and 497 postgraduate students. It has a total of 858 professors and researchers.

The strategy of gradual integration of foreign teachers and researchers, combined with the number of international postgraduate students (12%) and mobility students (12%) reveals not only the opening of the Faculty abroad, but also the international projection it has been acquiring and which it intends to strengthen in the future.

The Nutrition Sciences course at NMS, largely shared with the teaching of Medicine, is a strong bet from an integrative point of view where it is possible to train for the acquisition of “hands-on research skills”, which allows the student to understand associations and recommendations and ensure more holistic and effective diagnoses and intervention strategies.

It is the Medical School with the best teacher/student ratio in the clinical years in Portugal and its students have had excellent results in the exam of access to specialty.

NMS is associated with several health units, allowing a variety of teaching environments and a more extended knowledge of hospital reality and primary health care. 

Furthermore, the University Medical Centre of Lisbon (Centro Médico Universitário de Lisboa - CMUL), which is a Consortium between NMS and Central Lisbon Hospital Centre (Centro Hospitalar de Lisboa Central - CHLC), grants the students of NMS a better and more integrated clinical training.

The privileged relationship that we maintain, in terms of clinical teaching, with the University Hospital Center of Lisbon Central, which will be located in the future East Lisbon Hospital (Hospital de Lisboa Oriental), led to the creation of the CMUL – Lisbon University Medical Center, which was recently expanded to other hospital units: Western Lisbon Hospital Center (Centro Hospitalar de Lisboa Ocidental )and Lisbon Psychiatric Hospital Centre (Hospitalar Psiquiátrico de Lisboa), Primary Health Care in the areas of these Hospital Centers and the NOVA National School of Public Health (Escola Nacional de Saúde Pública da NOVA).

With this expansion, it was renamed CCAL – Academic Clinical Center of Lisbon, a structure that allows for better and more integrated clinical education to the School’s students, providing better conditions for continuous training for professionals and fostering a scientific approach in care practice. The Hospital de Lisboa Oriental will be the first Portuguese experience, created from scratch and from the beginning of a new hospital unit, which will have the triple mission of: 1) Treat/cure patients; 2) Teach/train students and train health professionals; 3) Investigate/discover disease mechanisms and their resolution.

The facilities of the Research Pole, in addition to the improvement of educational activities (Library and MedSim), allowed the creation of excellent spaces for research, where more than 40 groups dedicated to various areas of study develop collaborative and excellent work. The Nova Medical Research comprises 3 research units: TOXOMICS (Centre for Toxicogenomics and Human Health), CHRC (Comprehensive Health Research Centre) and iNOVA4Health – Advancing Precision Medicine, a program in translational medicine. 

NMS also participates on the R&D Unit: Center for Health Technology and Services Research (CINTESIS).

The Clinical Skills Training Centre (NOVA MedSim) and the Food Research Laboratory (LIA) are the most recent teaching support, both equipped with state-of-the-art equipment for both pre- and post-graduate training and education. of the investigation.

Ahed – Advanced Health Education, of which NOVA Medical School is a founding partner, was launching in 2019. It offers a wide variety of postgraduate programmes dedicated to all health professionals, with a large practical component and recourse to simulation and practical cases, coordinated by a faculty with extensive professional experience.

We are all of this: a Medical School with a relaxed but demanding academic environment that trains doctors and nutritionists, but above all seeks to train complete citizens.



This is our DNA: a Medical School with a relaxed but demanding academic environment that trains doctors and nutritionists, but above all seeks to train complete citizens.


1770 | Integrated Masters in Medicine

102 | Degree in Nutritional Sciences

117 | Masters

190 | Doctoral Degrees

497| Advanced training Courses

Mission and Objectives

NOVA Medical School was established by law decree 481/77, issued November 15, 1977. It began its activities in the 1977/1978 academic year.

The school is one of the institutions of NOVA University of Lisbon. Its responsibilities are described in article 2 of the defining statues and policies of the school, published in law 8664/2009 annex, issued March 18, 2009 (Code of the Portuguese Republic, 2nd series, number 60, March 26, 2009):

  1. The school mission is the public service of preparing with excellence professionals in the areas of medical sciences and other health fields.

  2. So that the school can accomplish this mission it pursues the following objectives:

    1. Internationally competitive research in multidisciplinary areas, including research aimed at solving society health problems;
    2. Teaching excellence, increasingly focusing in the second (master) and third (doctorate) cycles, offering academic programs competitive nationally and internationally.
    3. Establishing a widening network of synergetic health field collaborations with other institutions at Universidade Nova de Lisboa and beyond;
    4. Providing high quality services leading to the effective improvement of health care delivery and its human resources, nationally and internationally, namely on Portuguese-speaking countries.


The first medical course at NOVA Medical School (NMS) took place in the academic year 1973-1980. Starting at the Faculty of Medicine of Lisbon / Hospital de Santa Maria, the course was transferred to the renovated premises of Campo de Santana. The Faculty of Medical Sciences of Universidade NOVA de Lisboa was established there on 15 November 1977.

The college is headquartered in a building whose original 19th-century project was designed by architect José Maria Nepomuceno, located in Campo dos Mártires da Pátria (also known as Campo de Santana).

The main building, where the Lisbon Medical-Surgical School of Lisbon and later the Faculty of Medicine of the University of Lisbon (transferred to the University City in 1953) was built on the site where there was a bullring and has in front of its magnificent façade, a statue in homage to Sousa Martins, a well-known doctor beatified by the people of Lisbon.

It is an imposing property in which the best artists of the time collaborated, highlighting the panels by Veloso Salgado in the Sala dos Actos, the tiles by Jorge Colaço in Passos Perdidos, the paintings by Columbano in the Sala dos Juris and the painting " O Mestre" (1914), by Carlos Bonvalot (1893-1934), which represents a lesson in Anatomy given by Professor Henrique de Vilhena.

The Faculty's mission is the public service for training and research in the fields of medical and health sciences.


The first cohort of students to finish their medical degree at Santana Campus of NOVA Medical School|Faculdade de Ciências Médicas was the class of 1973-1980.  They had been admitted at Universidade de Lisboa but started their lectures already as members of the “Santana Campus Extension” of the Faculdade de Medicina de Lisboa.  They and their professors constituted the initial core that gave rise to Faculdade de Ciências Médicas.   

The first lectures were held at the Instituto de Higiene e Medicina Tropical, in Junqueira. Later on there were also lectures in the Instituto de Ciências Sociais e Políticas (formerly Instituto de Ciências Sociais e Política Ultramarina), at the Burnay Palace, in Junqueira street, as well as in hospitals which began to be affiliated with the school, starting with Egas Moniz Hospital.

This first cohort took 7 years to complete their studies due to constraints arising from uncertainty regarding the legal status of what was then known as the “Faculdade do Campo de Santana”. These were only resolved in 1977 when the Faculty legally established.

The school was innovative from start, using modern audiovisual tools and video recording classes, so that students could watch them at convenient times, something particularly beneficially for student workers.  

The first class to receive a degree from this newly created school was the 1977 one, named “From the Public,” because although they spent their first years as Faculdade de Medidina de Lisboa / Hospital de Santa Maria students, afterwards, from 1976 on they had final clinical education at the Public Hospitals of Lisbon.  In 1978 this class received their Medical Doctor Degrees issued by Faculdade de Ciências Médicas.

Knowledge about these early years is paramount to understand the history of the school, founded right around the political unrest of 1974 and several other tribulations, thus shaping from the beginning a strong team spirit and a truly new and modern culture.


A NOVA Medical School é desde 2015 uma Eco-Escola, reconhecimento atribuído pela ABAE (Associação Bandeira Azul Europa), tendo recebido, desde então, simbolicamente, a Bandeira Verde de Eco-Escola.

O Eco-Escolas é um programa internacional desenvolvido em Portugal desde 1996 pela ABAE, que pretende encorajar ações e reconhecer o trabalho de qualidade desenvolvido pelos estabelecimentos de ensino, no âmbito da Educação Ambiental e Educação para o Desenvolvimento Sustentável. Este programa fornece metodologia, formação, materiais pedagógicos, apoio e enquadramento ao trabalho desenvolvido pelos estabelecimentos.

Na NMS todos os anos são desenvolvidas diversas atividades que envolvem toda a comunidade e que promovem os valores defendidos pelo Programa. O Conselho Eco-Escolas da NMS, composto atualmente por 6 estudantes, 4 docentes e 6 não docentes, reúne trimestralmente para planear atividades a implementar, numa ótica de melhoria contínua e adaptada à realidade da faculdade. O grande empenho e envolvimento dos estudantes, conhecedores desta realidade, tem sido o maior contributo na concretização deste Programa na NMS.

Em 2022 a NMS recebeu o 1º GalardãoEcoCampus Portugal”, a atribuir às instituições que integram já a rede Eco-Escolas no Ensino Superior (faculdades, escolas superiores, universidades e politécnicos). Este será um desafio na adoção da metodologia dos “7 passos“, envolvendo ativamente as diversas valências do “campus”, agilizando a concretização dos princípios da Educação para o Desenvolvimento Sustentável (ESD) e contribuindo para a concretização das metas dos Objetivos de Desenvolvimento Sustentável (ODS). Este galardão está alinhado a nível internacional com a rede FEE EcoCampus.

Conheça o Eco-Código 2022, elaborado em colaboração com os estudantes da NMS e que visa promover um melhor comportamento sustentável de toda a comunidade.

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