Nunes Filipe, Carlos (2005) “Por Dentro de Nós” – um olhar sobre o Autismo. Padrões Culturais Ed. 91 pgs. ISBN 972-8721-53-6.
Nunes Filipe, Carlos (2012) “Autismo – Conceitos, mitos e preconceitos”. Editorial Verbo / Babel. 155 pgs. ISBN 978-972-22-3086-5.
Nunes Filipe, Carlos (2015) “Crescer e viver diferente”. Verso de Kapa. 173 pgs. ISBN 978-972-8974-82-4.
Carmo JC and Filipe CN. (2022) Disentangling response initiation difficulties from response inhibition in autism spectrum disorder: A sentence-completion task. Front. Psychol., 13:964200.
Carmo JC, Martins F, Pinho S, Barahona-Correa B, Ventura P, Filipe CN (2020) We see the orange not the lemon: typicality effects in ultra-rapid categorization in adults with and without autism spectrum disorder J Neuropsychol., 14 (1): 154-164.
Carmo JC, Duarte E, Pinho S, Filipe CN, Marques J F. (2017) The content boundaries of natural categories in high-functioning young adults with autism spectrum disorders. Psique., 13: 7-17.
Carmo JC, Duarte E, Souza C, Pinho S, Filipe CN (2017) Testing the Impairment of Initiation Processes Hypothesis in Autism Spectrum Disorder. J Autism Dev Disord., 47(4):1256-1260.
Carmo JC, Souza C, Gonçalves F, Pinho S, Filipe CN, Lachmann T (2017) Effects of categorical representation on visuospatial working memory in autism spectrum disorder. Journal of Clinical and Experimental Neuropsychology, 39(2):131-141.
Souza C, Coco MI, Pinho S, Filipe CN, Carmo JC (2016) Contextual effects on visual short-term memory in high-functioning autism spectrum disorders. Research in Autism Spectrum Disorders, 32:64-69.
Barahona-Corrêa JB, Filipe CN (2016) A concise history of asperger syndrome: The short reign of a troublesome diagnosis. Frontiers in Psychology. 6: art. 2024.
Carmo JC, Duarte E, Pinho S, Filipe CN, Marques JF (2016) Preserved Proactive Interference in Autism Spectrum Disorder. J Autism Dev Disord. 2016; 46(1):53-63.
Carmo JC, Duarte E, Pinho S, Marques JF, Filipe CN (2015) Verbal fluency as a function of time in autism spectrum disorder: An impairment of initiation processes? J Clin Exp Neuropsychol.,37(7):710-721.
Fernandes de Lima, V.M., Pijn, J.P., Filipe C N, Lopes da Silva F. (1990) The role of hippocampal commissures in the interhemispheric transfer of epileptiform afterdischarges in the rat: a study using linear and non-linear regression analysis. Electroenceph. clin. Neurophysiol., 76(6):520-539.
Nunes Filipe, C., Pijn, J.P., Fernandes de Lima, V.M. and Lopes da Silva, F.H. (1989) Propagation of afterdischarges along the septo-temporal axis of the rat hippocampus: a quantitative analysis. Electroenceph. clin. Neurophysiol., 73(2):172-178.