International selection competition procedure for the hiring of a Principal Investigator - Biomedicine with special emphasis on the area of Cellular and molecular biology (Notice no. 9280/2022) @iNOVA4Health


Pursuant to the provisions of article 11, paragraph 2, of Decree-Law no. 57/2016, of August 29, it becomes public that by Dean’s decree of April 6, 2022, the opening of an international selection competition procedure was authorized for the completion of a Principal Investigator job vacancy for the exercise of scientific research activities financed by Fundação para a Ciência e Tecnologia (FCT), I. P., under an uncertain fixed-term employment contract under the Labor Code in the Faculdade de Ciências Médicas|NOVA Medical School, Universidade NOVA de Lisboa.


Application deadline: May 23, 2022.

1 — The Doctorate to be hired will perform within the scope of the programmatic
funding of the iNOVA4Health Unit — Program in Translational Medicine, UIDP/04462/2020 the role of Principal Investigator in the scientific area of Biomedicine with special emphasis on the area of Cellular and molecular biology. Goals of the 2030 Agenda: Area 2 — Health Sciences and Medicine, Goal 3 — Health Of Quality.

2 — General requirements of the application:
a) Portuguese nationals, foreigners or stateless persons, holding a PhD degree in Life
Sciences, Health Sciences, or related areas;
b) Holders of a scientific and professional curriculum that reveals an adequate profile for the activity to be developed, namely in the areas of Biomedicine, with relevance to the themes that fall within the scientific strategy of the Chronic Diseases Research Centre (CEDOC) of the NOVA Medical School|Faculdade de Ciências Médicas, particularly in research areas represented by this Centre in the INOVA4Health Research Unit.

If the PhD has been awarded by a foreign higher education institution, it must comply with
the provisions of Decree-Law no. 341/2007, of October 12, and any formalities established there must be fulfilled until the formalization of job contract.

3 — Specific requirements of the application:
a) Curriculum that reveals experience in the area of Biomedicine, with special emphasis on the area of Cellular and molecular biology;
b) Knowledge and experience in the areas of advanced therapies are especially valued.
cell-based models of disease and translation for clinical research.


Additional Information in the attached Notice (Portuguese and English versions) and on the EURAXESS platform.

Public Notice
