NMS researchers distinguished in the Bluepharma Innovation Award | University of Coimbra

Two projects led by researchers and Professors from NOVA Medical School received two Honorable Mentions during the award ceremony of the Bluepharma Innovation Award 2023, which took place on June 11th, 2024, in the Senate Room of the University of Coimbra.

Due to the high scientific merit of the projects in the competition, this year the Jury decided to award two Honorable Mentions, both won by NMS researchers, which reflects the excellence and technological potential of the research carried out at our School.

One of the projects, named “Novel Approaches to Skin Pigmentation Modulation” and led by researchers Miguel Seabra and Duarte Barral, describes a new strategy to modulate skin pigmentation safely and efficiently, by targeting melanin secretion (rather than production) unlike existing solutions. Melanin is the pigment responsible for skin pigmentation which protects from UV radiation-induced damage and the onset of skin cancers. The project team discovered a promising novel compound that induces melanin secretion specifically, with remarkable potential for skincare industry and dermatology and cosmeceutical applications.

The other distinguished project, “Exploring the Antibacterial Properties of a Surfactant Based Hydrogel”, led by NMS researchers Otília Vieira and João Conde, describes a hydrogel highly effective against Neisseria gonorrhoeae, the bacteria that causes Gonorrhea. This is a sexually transmitted infection and is currently resistant to almost all classes of antimicrobials available. The project results have shown a significant reduction in N.gonorrhoeae infetion, reveiling the potential of this hydrogel for future development as an antimicrobial topical treatment.

The ceremony was chaired by Amílcar Falcão, Rector of the University of Coimbra, and was attended by Paulo Barradas Rebelo, President of Bluepharma, and Fernando Seabra Santos, the president of the Jury and Professor at the University of Coimbra.

The Bluepharma Innovation Award | University of Coimbra is awarded every 2 years and aims to distinguish innovative research projects in the area of Health Sciences, developed by Portuguese researchers from national or foreign institutions.