NOVA Medical School signs protocol to join the national network of Industrial Property Support Offices


The National Institute of Industrial Property (INPI) and NOVA Medical School have signed a protocol allowing the Faculty's Industrial Property Support Office, InnoValue, to join the national network of Industrial Property Support Offices (GAPI). NOVA Medical School is thus the first medical school with an office dedicated to Intellectual Property in the GAPI network, which demonstrates the prominent role that innovation and value creation play at the school, fostering the development of innovative health technologies.

This protocol to join the GAPI network establishes a direct communication channel between InnoValue and INPI. In addition, INPI employees can be involved in actions with the NOVA Medical School community aimed at promoting Industrial Property mechanisms, raising awareness among academics and businesses of the importance of protecting their inventions, trademarks and designs.

For the Director of NOVA Medical School, Helena Canhão, "the signing of this protocol is extremely important because it will give the School greater visibility as an entity in the Portuguese scientific system, maximizing the value of the knowledge produced at the medical school, through effective management of the Industrial Property rights associated with its intellectual assets.  NOVA Medical School aims to be a catalyst for health innovation in Portugal, with a global impact."