Interdisciplinary model for the stratified treatment of low back pain improves quality of life and reduces disability in people with low back pain


A group of researchers from the Comprehensive Health Research Centre, NOVA Medical School, recently published a study revealing that the implementation of a stratified care program, called the SPLIT Program, can significantly improve quality of life and reduce disability in people with low back pain in primary health care.

The results of the study, which involved a sample of around 500 participants, show that the SPLIT Program reduced the likelihood of people developing persistent and disabling low back pain by 80%, compared to previously established usual practice.

In addition, the program also made it possible to reduce the prescription of complementary means of diagnosis and medication by around 30%.

Often associated with loss of productivity, absenteeism from work and high costs for the health system, low back pain is a global health problem and is very common in Portugal, especially among the working-age population.

To tackle this challenge, researchers from the Comprehensive Health Research Centre, NOVA Medical School have developed and implemented the SPLIT Program at ACeS Arrábida - ARSLVT. This is a stratified care program, which refers people with low back pain to physiotherapy at an early stage, after an initial consultation with the general practitioner.

The importance of these results is underlined by the recognition of the SPLIT Program, which was recently selected to be part of the 1st phase of the Sustainable Health Pact 2030 and the National Health Plan 2030. This inclusion highlights the program's potential for improving the allocation of health resources and increasing the efficiency of care.

In the future, with the implementation of the National Health Plan 2030, the researchers will seek to disseminate the SPLIT Program to other Portuguese health units that already have integrated physiotherapists.



Figure 1 - Study framework (FP = family physician; PT = physical therapist; SPLIT = stratified primary care for low back pain; UC = usual care).

Figure 2 - Study flow diagram (LBP = low back pain; SPLIT = stratified primary care for low back pain).