NOVA Medical School recebe 30 participantes internacionais para formação em Team Based Learning


During the first week of July, NOVA Medical School hosted "TBL Erasmus BIP Lisbon", as part of the Erasmus+ Blended Intensive Programme (BIP), dedicated to promoting Team Based Learning (TBL).

The main aim of this initiative was to promote training and the exchange of experiences in using TBL to promote active learning and teamwork.

Coordinated by Professor Ana Isabel Moura Santos and Professor Pedro Marvão from NOVA Medical School, TBL Erasmus BIP Lisbon reinforced the numerous advantages of TBL in the training of health professionals, especially doctors, and highlighted NOVA Medical School's recognition and commitment to training teachers from renowned European institutions.

This event, organised in partnership with the University of Foggia in Italy, was attended by 10 NMS professors and 30 professors from various Italian universities, the Karloinska Institute in Sweden, the Universitair Medisch Centrum Groningen in the Netherlands and the Technological University of the Shannon in Ireland.