NOVA Medical School students take part in ERASMUS+ BIP Programme

Ten students from NOVA Medical School's Integrated Master's in Medicine are taking part in the ERASMUS+ Blended Intensive Programme (BIP) Summer School of Applied and Clinical Pharmacology. 

This programme, coordinated by Lékařská Fakulta Masarykovy Univerzity in the Czech Republic, also includes students from the University of Bologna, the University of Málaga and the University of Malta.

The Summer School is an opportunity for students to get involved in learning activities focussed on applied and clinical pharmacology, promoting the exchange of knowledge between different institutions and countries.

The ERASMUS+ BIP Summer School of Applied and Clinical Pharmacology Programme includes a face-to-face part and an online part. 

This is NOVA Medical School's first participation in an ERASMUS+ BIP, a reflection of the school's commitment to internationalisation and excellent teaching.

See some photos of this initiative here.