NOVA Medical School introduces AMBOSS platform for medical students and teachers

Since the beginning of September, NOVA Medical School has made the AMBOSS platform available to all students and teachers of the Integrated Master's Degree in Medicine.

This tool, available via the institution's subscription, will give access to students from the 1st to the 6th year, supporting them as a tool from their first day until the National Entrance Exam (PNA).

The AMBOSS platform gives access to:

  • A vast, up-to-date knowledge library covering more than 20,000 medical topics
  • 3D anatomy models
  • A question bank with more than 4,000 questions based on real cases, with interactive visual resources and learning tools that improve knowledge retention
  • An analysis section that helps identify each student's strengths, weaknesses and knowledge gaps
  • 6000 exam-style questions based on clinical cases
  • Study guide for the PNA
  • And much more

For teachers, this educational platform, in addition to the advantages it gives students, will allow them to:

  • Select clinical cases for class discussions or problem-based learning
  • Select questions for tests and quizzes
  • Assign reading exercises using articles from the knowledge library
  • Interact with and guide students by identifying their weaknesses and points for improvement.