When you want to prepare for the moment of conception, your nutritional status must be taken into account. If there is any kind of malnutrition (whether overweight or underweight) at the time of pregnancy, this can lead to an increased risk of developing complications in the fetus, due to metabolic programming, which will have repercussions in adulthood.
The pre-conception period therefore becomes a possible time to maintain healthy eating habits so that the pregnancy is successful and a healthy child is born.

In this consultation, we want to help you learn more about the measures you need to take to eat a healthy, varied and balanced diet and give you practical tools so that you can integrate these tips in an easy, controlled and tailored way.
In addition, through complementary diagnostic tests, we aim to find out about your biochemical parameters, which are indicators of nutritional status and how they relate to body composition and metabolism. All this to further boost your health and prepare your body for the arrival of your future child.

A specialized team that will take into account all the particular context in which it operates, in order to make recommendations.

You will be offered personalized dietary and nutritional support so that your pregnancy goes as smoothly as possible.

Monitoring the intervention through complementary diagnostic tests.
You will be advised on the right dietary supplements, so that you can meet all the daily recommendations and be prepared for the development of your future baby.