A balanced and diversified diet makes a substantial contribution to women's health at different stages of life. Pre-conception, pregnancy and the post-pregnancy period are marked by various changes in women's nutritional needs. The post-pregnancy period is characterized by the demands of caring for the baby and confronting various changes in one's own body.
In the post-pregnancy nutrition consultation we aim to establish personalized dietary advice, adapted to the circumstances and expectations of each mother, enabling her to recover her physical shape and take care of her nutritional status, in order to better meet the needs of her family. We want to make it easier for you to adopt good eating and health habits, accompanied by excellent professionals and with different materials to support the consultation. Ideally, this consultation should take place within the first 4 weeks after giving birth.

You will receive nutritional support from specialized nutritionists with experience in managing your physiological and clinical situation.

You will be offered personalized food and nutritional support, with a view to meeting the established goals.

Monitoring the intervention through complementary diagnostic tests.

Whenever necessary, we can also advise you on the different dietary supplements specific to good health and according to the specifics of your clinical situation.