Applicants will be ranked in descending order on their final score, rounded to two decimal places, according to the following calculation formula:
CF = (0,4 x CES) + (0,6 x CP)
CF – Final classification;
CES – Secondary School final grade, on a scale of 0 to 200 points;
CP – Average score obtained in the following higher education entrance exams or examinations, on a scale of 0 to 200 points:
a) If the applicant holds a Portuguese secondary education diploma: the results of the three entrance exams: Biology and Geology, and Physics and Chemistry, and Mathematics;
b) If the applicant does not hold Portuguese secondary education diploma: Biology or Biology and Geology; Chemistry or Physics and Chemistry; and Mathematics exams, or equivalent final exams;
c) If the applicant holds a Brazilian “Ensino Médio” diploma: the score obtained in the ENEM C, after conversion to the Portuguese grading scale, using the following formula:
ENEM C = Classification obtained in the “Natural Sciences and its Technologies” (CNT) knowledge area x 200/1000
i. Only applicants with a score in the ENEM knowledge area “Natural Sciences and its Technologies” (CNT) area are eligible;
ii. The validity of the ENEM exam is 4 years.
d) If the applicant has completed the SUPERNOVA – Foundation Programme from NOVA University Lisbon: the entrance exams defined by the program for applicants to the Integrated Master’s Degree in Medicine.
e) If the applicant is unable to provide documentary evidence: the Biology, Chemistry and Mathematics exams administered by NOVA Medical School | Faculdade de Ciências Médicas.
All final grades must be expressed on a scale from 0,00 to 200,00.
A minimum final score of 100,00 is required for eligibility.
In case of a tie between applicants, the tie-breaking criteria are:
Score obtained in the interview (E), either in person or via videoconference, calculated using the following formula, rounded to two decimal places:
E = Motivation x 0,20 + Maturity x 0,20 + Communication and Argumentation Skills x 0,30 + Knowledge of the Profession x 0,30.