Nutrition Sciences student from NOVA Medical School does internship in Switzerland

Bernardo Dias, a Nutrition Sciences student at NOVA Medical School, spent several months at the Lake Lucern Institute (LLUI), an independent, non-profit institute in Switzerland. During his internship, Bernardo (on the right in the photo) was part of the Neuronutrition team, where he developed skills and actively participated in research into neurological diseases.

The LLUI team is dedicated to assessing tasting and smelling abilities in populations with neurological diseases and, above all, in patients with a recent stroke, in order to understand their impact on nutritional status and general health.

During his stay, Bernardo also collaborated with the Center for Neurology & Rehabilitation (Cereneo), where he was able to observe how theory is translated into the clinical practice of nutritionists, and was involved in the fundamental and necessary stages of a research study.

As well as being enriching in practical terms, this journey also led to a reunion, as it was at Cereneo that Bernardo crossed paths with a former NOVA Medical School Nutrition Sciences student who now works in Switzerland.
For Bernardo, this reunion and his internship are also proof that "NOVA Medical School has really opened a lot of doors for students and they are great at what they do - they prepare us for the world!"

This opportunity arose as part of his degree in Nutritional Sciences and, for the student, it was an unforgettable adventure, allowing him to break down "personal barriers" and explore "different cultures and traditions". After the experience, Bernardo says he "couldn't be more excited to continue in the world of research into neurological diseases and rehabilitation".

For NOVA Medical School, this experience highlights the importance of internships in the training of future health professionals, providing significant personal and professional growth.