Helena Canhão took office as Dean of NMS

Professor from NOVA Medical School and CHRC Researcher took office as Dean on January 20th, in the Auditorium of the Rectorate. 


Elected on December 14, 2021, by the Faculty Council, Helena Canhão will fulfill her mandate between 2022 and 2025, affirming her commitment to “dignify the name of NOVA Medical School and NOVA University of Lisbon with great honor and meaning”. of mission”.

Helena Canhão, is a Cathedratic Professor of NOVA Medical School and Coordinator of Comprehensive Health Research Center (CHRC), from Associated Laboratory REAL and co-principal investigator of EpiDoC Unit, CEDOC, NMS. 

She is the acting president of Sociedade Portuguesa de Reumatologia, President of the Consulting Council of AICIB, President of the Consulting Council of Collaborative Laboratory Value for Health and member of the council of Universidade Nova de Lisboa.

Helena Canhão is also Assistente Hospitalar Graduada Senior, responsible for the rheumatology unit of  CHULC.