NMS celebrates the International Day of Women and Girls in Science, which was instituted by the UN in response to the gender disparities that persist across all levels of science, technology, engineering and mathematics (STEM) disciplines.

The Medical School is committed to promoting and implementing the NOVA Gender Equality Plan and together with our partners in the COLife alliance, we celebrate this date with symbolic messages:

Paula Macedo, professor and principal investigator at NMS, is the Faculty's representative in NOVA's Gender Equality Plan.
For Paula Macedo, the world needs science to ensure sustainable progress and science needs a plural world where women play their role. The researcher emphasizes that we cannot continue to waste talent.
When asked about what NOVA Medical School is doing to strengthen gender equality, Paula Macedo proudly mentions that NMS has a female Director for the first time. Moreover, NOVA is part of the European SPEAR project for gender equality in academia and that the University founded the first National Observatory on Violence and Gender in Portugal.
Find the complete messages from the COLife community here.