Fly Facility

Drosophila research in NMS Research is supported by the Fly Facility. The goal of our facility is to efficiently support the research groups working with Drosophila by promoting the wellbeing of the users and animals by facilitating high quality scientific research.
The fly facility is responsible for the training of new users, managing common equipment and reagents, supply ordering and keeping updated with current Drosophila melanogaster best practices and technical advances.
The fly facility also has the goal to stimulate scientific interaction between the institution’s research groups as well as to promote and divulge Drosophila research among other research institutions and the general audience.

8 CO2 stations
7 Binocular stereoscopes
1 Binocular stereoscope with fluorescence
5 Temperature and Humidity controlled incubators
1 Temperature controlled incubator
1 Refrigerator

Short and long-term users must go through an orientation session before starting
any fly work.

Please contact and ask for this induction.

Facility Manager

Ana Raquel Machado
Cell Culture & Fly Facility Manager