Vicente Miranda H*#, Chegão A*, Oliveira MS*, Fernandes Gomes B, Enguita FJ, Outeiro TF#. Hsp27 reduces glycation-induced toxicity and aggregation of alpha-synuclein. 2020. FASEB J. 34 (5): 6718-6728.
Hoffmann AC, Minakaki G, Menges S, Salvi R, Savitskiy S, Kazman A, Vicente Miranda H, Mielenz D, Klucken J, Winkler J, Xiang W. Extracellular aggregated alpha synuclein primarily triggers lysosomal dysfunction in neural cells prevented by trehalose. 2019. Scientific Reports. Jan 24;9(1):544.
König A, Vicente Miranda H, Outeiro TF. Alpha-Synuclein Glycation and the Action of Anti-Diabetic Agents in Parkinson's Disease. 2018. J Parkinsons Dis;8(1):33-43.
Vicente Miranda H#, Cássio R, Correia-Guedes L, Gomes MA, Chegão A, Miranda E, Soares T, Coelho M, Rosa MM, Ferreira JJ, Outeiro TF#. Posttranslational modifications of blood-derived alpha-synuclein as biochemical markers for Parkinson's disease. 2017. Scientific Reports. Oct 20;7(1):13713.
Ferreira DG, Temido-Ferreira M, Vicente Miranda H, Batalha VL, Coelho JE, Szegö ÉM, Marques-Morgado I, Vaz SH, Rhee JS, Schmitz M, Zerr I, Lopes LV, Outeiro TF. α-synuclein interacts with PrPC to induce cognitive impairment through mGluR5 and NMDAR2B. 2017. Nature Neuroscience. Nov;20(11):1569-1579.
Vicente Miranda H, Szego ÉM, Oliveira LMA, Breda C, Darendelioglu E, de Oliveira RM, Ferreira DG, Gomes MA, Rott R, Oliveira M, Munari F, Enguita FJ, Simões T, Rodrigues EF, Heinrich M, Martins IC, Zamolo I, Riess O, Cordeiro C, Ponces-Freire A, Lashuel HA, Santos NC, Lopes LV, Xiang W, Jovin TM, Penque D, Engelender S, Zweckstetter M, Klucken J, Giorgini F, Quintas A, Outeiro TF. Glycation potentiates α-synuclein-associated neurodegeneration in synucleinopathies. 2017. Brain. May 1;140(5):1399-1419.
de Oliveira RM*, Vicente Miranda H*, Francelle L, Pinho R, Szegö ÉM, Martinho R, Munari F, Lázaro DF, Moniot S, Guerreiro P, Fonseca-Ornelas L, Marijanovic Z, Antas P, Gerhardt E, Enguita FJ, Fauvet B, Penque D, Pais TF, Tong Q, Becker S, Kügler S, Lashuel HA, Steegborn C, Zweckstetter M, Outeiro TF. The mechanism of sirtuin 2-mediated exacerbation of alpha-synuclein toxicity in models of Parkinson disease. 2017. PLOS Biology. Mar 3;15(3):e2000374.
Vicente Miranda H, Gomes MA, Branco-Santos J, Breda C, Lázaro DF, Lopes LV, Herrera F, Giorgini F, Outeiro TF. Glycation potentiates neurodegeneration in models of Huntington's disease. 2016. Scientific Reports. Nov 18;6:36798.
Vicente Miranda H, El-Agnaf OM, Outeiro TF. Glycation in Parkinson's disease and Alzheimer's disease. 2016. Movement Disorders. Jun;31(6):782-90.
Ferreira DG, Batalha VL, Vicente Miranda H, Coelho JE, Gomes R, Gonçalves FQ, Real JI, Rino J, Albino-Teixeira A, Cunha RA, Outeiro TF, Lopes LV. Adenosine A2A Receptors Modulate α-Synuclein Aggregation and Toxicity. 2017. Cerebral Cortex. Jan 1;27(1):718-730.
Ribeiro Morais G, Palma E, Marques F, Gano L, Oliveira MC, Abrunhosa A, Vicente Miranda H, Outeiro TF, Santos I, Paulo A. Synthesis and Biological Evaluation of Novel 2-Aryl Benzimidazoles as Chemotherapeutic Agents. 2017. Journal of Heterocyclic Chemistry. 54(1):255-267. doi: 10.1002/jhet.2575.
Nunes P, Ribeiro Morais G, Palma E, Silva F, Oliveira MC, Ferreira VFC, Mendes F, Gano L, Vicente Miranda H, Outeiro TF, Santos I, Paulo A. Isostructural Re(I)/99mTc(I) Tricarbonyl Complexes Functionalized with Benzothiazole Derivatives for Cancer Theranostics. 2015. Org Biomol Chem. 14;13(18):5182-94. doi: 10.1039/c5ob00124b
Macedo D, Tavares L, McDougall GJ, Vicente Miranda H, Stewart D, Ferreira RB, Tenreiro S, Outeiro TF, Santos CN. (Poly)phenols protect from α-synuclein toxicity by reducing oxidative stress and promoting autophagy. 2015. Human Molecular Genetics. Mar 15;24(6):1717-32.
Vicente Miranda H, Xiang W, de Oliveira RM, Simões T, Pimentel J, Klucken J, Penque D, Outeiro TF. Heat-mediated enrichment of α-synuclein from cells and tissue for assessing post-translational modifications. 2013. Journal of Neurochemistry. Sep;12