NOVA Medical School professor re-elected Secretary General of the World Federation of Anatomy


Professor Diogo Pais, Director of the Department of Anatomy at NOVA Medical School, was re-elected for a new term as Secretary General of the International Federation of Associations of Anatomists (IFAA), the World Federation of Anatomy, during the 21st IFAA Congress, held in Gwangju, South Korea, between September 5 and 8.

With this re-election, Professor Diogo Pais will continue to play a decisive role in the international anatomical community for the next five years, the duration of his new mandate.

The International Federation of Associations of Anatomists was initially formed to “lead the world's anatomical societies and organize congresses during which scientific discoveries and points of view of common interest could be exchanged”. Today, while maintaining these objectives (and with the main aim of “bringing together” the national and multinational anatomical associations that apply for membership and are approved as members), the IFAA aims to:

  • promote the development and foster the progress of all anatomical or biomorphological sciences;
  • encourage and increase scientific, technological, educational and administrative exchange between anatomists throughout the world;
  • provide general guidelines for educational, technological and scientific purposes and for issues of general interest to the anatomical sciences;
  • coordinate and support the preparation, revision and publication of documents on the terminology of anatomical sciences and biomorphology;
  • encourage friendship and cooperation between members of anatomists' associations;
  • promoting international scientific congresses, symposia and other meetings in the anatomical and morphological sciences. (IFAA - International Federation of Associations of Anatomists).

In addition to this re-election, Professor Diogo Pais will also play a central role in organizing the XXIX International Symposium on Morphological Sciences, which will be held from 23 to 26 July 2025 in Lisbon, and which he will chair. Under the theme “Morphological Sciences: Foundations for Life”, this event marks the return of the symposium to Portugal, 40 years after its last edition in the country. This meeting promises to bring together specialists from all over the world to discuss advances and innovations in the field of morphological sciences.

More information about the Symposium here.