Durão Barroso, Carlos Gonçalo das Neves, Mariana Van Zeller, Sherri Aldis e Zaynab Ali Abdi confirmed for the 9th edition of the Estoril Conferences


"Time to ReThink": Peace, Policies, Planet, AI & Technology, Longevity

October 24th and 25th 2024, at Nova SBE's Carcavelos Campus


Durão Barroso (former President of the European Commission and former Prime Minister of Portugal), Carlos Gonçalo das Neves (Chief Scientist at the European Food Safety Authority), Mariana Van Zeller (award-winning journalist and author of the National Geographic series ‘Trafficked’), Sherri Aldis (Director of the United Nations Regional Information Centre for Western Europe), and Zaynab Ali Abdi (young refugee and Youth Ambassador for Immigrants and Refugees at Green Card Voices) are among the confirmed attendees for the 9th edition of the Estoril Conferences.

The event, which will be held this year on October 24th and 25th at Nova SBE's Carcavelos Campus, will also feature Mónica Ferro (Director of the United Nations Population Fund Office in Geneva), Derek Ali (founder and CEO of EngineEars - an innovative platform for sound engineers and music producers), and Watatakalu Yawalapiti (Artist, Activist, and Member of the TIX Women's Movement).

“Time to ReThink” is the main theme this year, from which discussions will encourage reflection on diverse topics such as politics, agriculture, arts, economy, social activism, and medicine.

Peace, Policies, Planet, Artificial Intelligence & Technology, and Longevity are the five thematic pillars that will guide this year's dialogue and call for collective action.


Carcavelos, June 2024 – The first confirmed speakers for the Estoril Conferences '24 are already known. The event, in its 9th edition, will bring to the Nova SBE’s campus prominent figures in the international economic, political, artistic, and social landscapes. Durão Barroso, Carlos Gonçalo das Neves, Mariana Van Zeller, Sherri Aldis, and Zaynab Ali Abdi are the first confirmations for the Estoril Conferences, which will also welcome Sir Richard Roberts (Nobel Prize in Medicine, 1993), Mónica Ferro (Director of the United Nations Population Fund Office in Geneva), Derek Ali (founder and CEO of EngineEars - an innovative platform for sound engineers and music producers), and Watatakalu Yawalapiti (Artist, Activist, and Member of the TIX Women's Movement).

The former Portuguese Prime Minister and current chairman of Goldman Sachs, José Manuel Durão Barroso, is one of the most anticipated attendees at the Estoril Conferences. At a time when it is imperative to rethink our world, the former President of the European Commission will present his vision for the future and contribute his vast international experience to the debate under the POLICIES pillar.

Also completing this pillar will be Mónica Ferro (Director of the United Nations Population Fund Office in Geneva), who joins the roster of confirmed speakers for this edition, contributing her knowledge and international background to the discussion on universal access to reproductive health services and the defense of women's rights worldwide.

Carlos Gonçalo das Neves (a Portuguese scientist who was at the forefront of research on the origin of COVID-19 and has been leading the European Food Safety Authority since November 2022) brings his remarkable experience and insights to the discussion of health-related themes under the LONGEVITY pillar. Also contributing to this pillar and reflecting on health topics will be Sir Richard Roberts (renowned Nobel Laureate in Medicine, 1993, and advocate for genetically modified organisms), who will share his perspective on "why we should love bacteria."

Sherri Aldis, Director of the United Nations Regional Information Centre for Western Europe, will participate in a debate under the PEACE pillar, joining other internationally renowned figures to discuss the current geopolitical context, which records the highest number of violent conflicts since World War II. 

Also associated with the PEACE pillar is the confirmed presence of Mariana Van Zeller, the award-winning Portuguese journalist and author of the National Geographic series “Trafficked”. Known for her impactful and immersive journalistic approach, Mariana Van Zeller brings to Estoril Conferences her stories of often coming into direct contact with individuals and communities in challenging situations to carry out her work. With over a decade of experience covering cases in the criminal underworld, human organ trafficking, contract killers, and sexual extortion, she has worked in dangerous areas like Sierra Leone, Sri Lanka, and Mexico, covered the 9/11 attacks, and won three significant awards: the Peabody, the People’s Voice Webby Award, and the Livingston Award for Young Journalists.

Zaynab Ali Abdi, a young refugee from Somalia and Yemen and social activist who works with Malala Yousafzai (Nobel Peace Prize, 2017), is currently the Youth Ambassador for Immigrants and Refugees at Green Card Voices. In an inspiring participation centered on the theme of PEACE, Zaynab will bring to the stage her firsthand experiences of transforming adversity into positive and hopeful experiences.

The first confirmations for the 9th edition of the Estoril Conferences also include Derek Ali (founder of EngineEars and world-renowned music producer known for his collaboration with rapper Kendrick Lamar), who will share how advances in Artificial Intelligence technology are redefining and reshaping the future of business, music, and society.

Watatakalu Yawalapiti (member of the TIX Women’s Movement – an organization advocating for the rights of Indigenous women in Brazil – globally known for her activism on environmental and cultural issues) is the latest announced participant, focusing on the current challenges in the fight for gender equality.

Laurinda Alves, Executive Director of the Estoril Conferences, states that "we are very confident in the relevance of the speakers and the diversity of topics in a year that will go down in history as the year with the most wars and active armed conflicts since World War II, but also marked by geopolitical changes resulting from the fact that there are 70 electoral processes underway worldwide, with particular emphasis on the European and American elections. Added to all this is the fact that 2024 is the historic year of demographic transition, as for the first time there are more people on the planet over the age of 65 than under 16. For all these reasons, we maintain our commitment to inspire all generations to promote a better world and remain dedicated to raising awareness in our society about the urgent need for change so that we can all live more sustainably, humanely, justly, and equitably".


About Estoril Conferences

The Estoril Conferences are an international platform that, since 2009, has brought some of the most prestigious world and national leaders to Portugal to discuss global issues. With over 13,000 participants from 105 different nationalities and more than 415 world-renowned speakers, it has brought together several Nobel Prize winners and more than 30 current and former Heads of State, such as Tony Blair, Yulia Tymoshenko, Aleksander Kwaśniewski, Kolinda Grabar-Kitarović, Roberta Metsola, Francis Fukuyama, Joseph Stiglitz, Mary Robinson, Mohamed Elbaradei, Fareeda Khalaf, Sir Richard Roberts, Professor Aaron Ciechanover, among many others.

It is an open, intergenerational, and impactful dialogue platform that involves high-profile international leaders in inspiring new generations to find possible solutions to global challenges, through action coalitions and innovative partnerships committed to creating effective changes towards sustainable and inclusive development, and a liberal future for all.

Social media channels: FacebookLinkedInInstagramTwitter, and YouTube. 


About Nova SBE:

Nova SBE is the most prestigious business school in Portugal and one of the leading business schools in Europe. It is the faculty of economics, finance, and management of NOVA University of Lisbon. The current Director is Prof. Pedro Oliveira (Ph.D., University of North Carolina at Chapel Hill). Nova SBE has been a member of CEMS since December 2007 and holds Triple Crown accreditation worldwide, which implies accreditation by EQUIS, AMBA, and AACSB. It was the first Portuguese business school to acquire international accreditations and worldwide recognition in higher education. Nova SBE's international vision is also reflected in the adoption of English as the main language of instruction. Most undergraduate courses and all master's, MBA, and PhD programs are taught in English.


About NOVA Medical School:

NOVA Medical School is one of the leading medical schools in Portugal, with over 45 years of history. It currently has 1,770 students in the Integrated Master's Degree in Medicine, 102 students in the Bachelor's Degree in Nutrition Sciences, 455 students in postgraduate training, and a total of 747 teachers and researchers. In 2023, NMS maintained the 1st position in the rankings of entry into Higher Education in Medicine in Lisbon.


About Harvard’s D^3:

Harvard's Digital Data Design Institute (D^3) seeks to be the leading center of knowledge on the benefits of digital technology in society and business. The Institute produces and shares knowledge based on academic research on the interaction of society and businesses with artificial intelligence (AI) and digital technologies. D^3 prioritizes a human-centered model and seeks to ensure that these technologies are contributing to change and positive impacts in the world. The Institute's work focuses on 14 integrated laboratories around six areas, including artificial intelligence and the future of business technology; human-centered technology; data, privacy, security, and regulation; new operational and business models; the future of work; and performance and metrics.


About Cascais: www.cascais.pt

With a privileged location on the Atlantic Coast of Portugal, Cascais has been highlighted as one of the main tourist destinations in Portugal and Europe, for its exclusive location, but also for hosting various international conferences and events. Historically, Cascais was a refuge for European aristocracy and elite where kings diplomats, filmmakers, movie stars, writers, entrepreneurs, and bankers, were attracted by the region's safety (supported by Portugal's neutrality in conflict situations), but also by the climate, luxury hotels, and the famous Estoril Casino - where Ian Fleming's was inspired to film the first James Bond novel 'Casino Royale'. Times have changed, but the charm, glamour, and essence remain. Cascais received the "2014 Sustainable Destinations Global Top 100" award, "Climate Star Award," and "Vistas – VISION Innovation for Sustainable Tourism Awards," thanks to various decarbonization and environmental sustainability policies and initiatives in the municipality.


This initiative contributes to the Sustainable Development Goals:

The SDGs represent an unprecedented political and international consensus on what the world's greatest challenges are and the level of progress and collaboration desired on a global scale, as explicit in SDG 17 - Partnerships for the Goals. The Estoril Conferences offer invaluable insights into this urgent coalition, as it not only brings together academics and professionals, experts in a variety of fields related to the SDGs - such as climate action, purposeful economics, artificial intelligence, corruption, racism, and social inequalities.