BEST Project evaluation meeting takes place at NMS

The innovative BEST project - mulTifunctional BiossEnSors to be integrated into clinical practice and capacitation of people with diabetes - had its first year evaluated in a meeting at NOVA Medical School.


This multidisciplinary project also involves partners from DECSIS, NOVA FCT, Associação Protetora dos Diabéticos de Portugal (APDP) and the University of Évora, present on July 26th at this meeting in person or via digital conference.

Evaluation aspects were addressed regarding this project, which involves the development of an integrated diagnostic and monitoring platform capable of simultaneously detecting and quantifying glucose, insulin and C-peptide in a simple and fast way, without resorting to complex diagnostic techniques, to the characterization of diabetes phenotypes in real time.

This data is then sent to the user through an application, with relevant information about the measured parameters, measurement history and other indications that allow the person with diabetes to have greater literacy and capacitation.

The results obtained through the BEST project are extremely important, as they will allow the development of strategies for the simultaneous detection, in real time, of those biomarkers.