

Rosalina Fonseca Alvarez

Researcher Investigador Auxiliar

Principal investigator of the Cellular and Systems Neurobiology group. BSc Degree in Biology, School of Science, University of Lisbon. PhD in Neurobiology at the Max-Planck Institute of Neurobiology, awarded by Ludwig Maximillian University, Munich, Germany, under the scope of the international Gulbenkian PhD program in Biomedicine. MD degree, School of Medicine, University of Lisbon, Portugal.

Selected out of 13

Natália Madeira, Ana Drumond, Rosalina Fonseca (2020) “Temporal gating of synaptic competition in the amygdala by cannabinoid receptor activation” Cerebral Cortex, 30 (7) https://academic.oup.com/cercor/article/30/7/4064/5803431?login=true

Drumond, Ana, Madeira, Natália, Fonseca, Rosalina, “Endocannabinoid signalling and memory dynamics: A synaptic perspective” Neurobiology of Learning and Memory, 2017, Best Audio-slides award from Elsevier. https://www.sciencedirect.com/science/article/pii/S1074742716301319

Eszter Szabo, Rita Manguinhas, Rosalina Fonseca “The interplay between neuronal activity and actin dynamics mimic the setting of an LTD synaptic tag” Scientific Reports 2016, 6. https://www.nature.com/articles/srep33685

[Rosalina Fonseca “Asymmetrical synaptic cooperation between cortical and thalamic inputs to the amygdala”, Neuropsychopharmacology 2013, 38: 2675-2687. https://www.nature.com/articles/npp2013178

Rosalina Fonseca, Ramunas M Vabulas, Tobias Bonhoeffer, U Valentin Nägerl "A balance of protein synthesis and proteasome-dependent degradation determines the maintenance of LTP” Neuron, 2006, 52: 239-245. https://www.sciencedirect.com/science/article/pii/S0896627306006374

Rosalina Fonseca, U Valentin Nägerl, Richard G.M. Morris and Tobias Bonhoeffer “Competing for memory: hippocampal LTP under regimes of reduced protein synthesis”, Neuron, 2004, 44: 1011-1020. https://www.sciencedirect.com/science/article/pii/S0896627304007135

2018 Janssen Portugal Innovation award - honourable mention
2018 PESSOA Award, Hubert Curien Program for collaborative projects between Portuguese and French Institutions. Collaboration with Dr. Valentin Nagerl, Institut Interdisciplinaire de NeuroSciences (IINS), Université de Bordeaux, France
2015 Early Career Psychiatrists fellowship, European Psychiatric Association.
2007-2009 EMBO Long Term Fellowship, European Molecular Biology Organization, EMBO.
2006 L’Oreal award for women in Science, Unesco, L’Oreal Foundation and Portuguese Research Council (FCT).
2006 Otto-Hahn-Medaille for promising researchers, Max-Planck- Gesellschaft for Science Development.