Cadaver Donation Office


NOVA Medical School's Corpse Donation Office allows anyone of legal age to donate their body to science.

In accordance with Decree-Law 274/99, of July 22nd, the bodies donated here have the sole purpose of research and undergraduate and postgraduate teaching at the Faculty.

Some points you should know about donating corpses:

  • There is no cost to the donor or their family;
  • The donation is benevolent (it does not involve any profit for the donor);
  • Anyone of legal age has the right to donate their body to science;
  • The purpose of the bodies is research and undergraduate and postgraduate education, in accordance with the Law Decrew 274/99

The importance of donating your body to science:

Anatomical dissection occupies a very special place in the training of a medical student and, due to the uniqueness of the procedures used and the objectives it sets out to achieve, it deserves a prominent place. (Sociedade Anatómica Portuguesa | Associação Anatómica Portuguesa)

How to donate
To donate you need to:


  • In person, at the Donation Office located at NOVA Medical School

Contacts for donations:

Cadaver Donation Office

         Professor Diogo Pais

        Jessica Rodrigues
        Tel. +351 218 803 039

Opening hours:
        Monday to Friday: 9.30am-12.30pm and 2pm-4pm

O Professor Diogo Pais, coordenador do Gabinete, recorda que:

"O Teatro Anatómico é o lugar onde a morte se regozija em assistir à vida."