Awards and Honours

NMS researchers distinguished in the Bluepharma Innovation Award | University of Coimbra

NOVA Medical School professor wins Best Oral Communication Award

The impact of climate change on public health: Research project formalises collaboration between NOVA Medical School, Jean Piaget University and MIT

Deborah Aluh from NOVA Medical School awarded with the João Monjardino Prize 2023

NOVA Medical School researcher receives international funding for research into frailty in the elderly

NOVA Medical School project wins 2nd edition of ADN Awards

Autism Research Institute funds project from NOVA Medical School

NOVA Medical School achieves remarkable success rates in 2023 Individual Call to Scientific Employment Stimulus

NOVA Medical School professor appointed to the Governing Board of ICLAS

Spin-off of NOVA Medical School secures international funding from the European Innovation Council

Director of NOVA Medical School wins Reuméritus Award

Professor and researcher from NOVA Medical School distinguished with Career Award

Researchers from the NOVA Medical School among the most cited worldwide

International funding for cancer innovation project


Innovative European project to combat obesity

L'Oréal Medals of Honor for Women in Science

APMGF/AICIB fellowships

NMS researcher is a newly appointed member of the Scientific Council for Life and Health Sciences

Nutrition Students win 1st place in the 3rd Echelon of the Eco-menu National Contest

NMS Research awarded with five distinctions from the Portuguese Society of Diabetology

NMS Dean chosen to join a team of 11 international scientists

NMS researcher coordinates project to create a research centre from NOVA

NMS participates in digital health project for diabetes

NMS Researchers win funding to study chronic inflammation in liver disease

NMS researchers receive 1.5 million euros to study extracellular vesicles

Projeto do Ano em "Nutrição Clínica"

NMS researchers secure funding from the Michael J. Fox Foundation

Projeto do Ano “Nutrição Clínica”

NMS Student Wins Best Poster at iMED Conference

NMS Research receives Horizon Europe funding with the PREVENTABLE project

Professor Paula Macedo elected to the ESCI Council

NMS researchers double distinguished by the Portuguese Society of Internal Medicine

NMS Research on diabetes wins Alfredo da Silva Award 2022

NMS researcher wins best oral communication award at an international congress

NMS Researchers win financing from World Anti-Doping Agency

PhD student from NMS wins Travel Grant from the Portuguese Society of Immunology

Researcher from Lisbon Institute of Global Mental Health wins FLAD Science Award Mental Health

NMS Project in Primary Care wins APMGF/AICIB Research Fellowship

Francisco Goiana da Silva wins award for best publication of APE 2021

NMS Professors win Blended Learning Award 2022

Research team led by Duarte Barral wins LPCC-NRS/Terry Fox Oncology Research Grant 2022-23

9 Prizes and Fellowships from SPD e Congresso Português de Diabetes to CEDOC-NMS

Ana Isabel Santos elected to EARA's Board

Diego Borges from MEDIR wins Junior Investigator Award

NMS students win awards at the Portuguese Congress on Obesity

José Pedro Cidade and Pedro Póvoa win award at ECTH 2021

Prémio Nacional da Diabetologia

Prémio Maratona da Saúde

European Commission distinguishes NMS scientist as young woman in research